Letters: Medical Marijuana Limits: Find Out Where Candidates Stand

Herb Fellow

New Member
In advance of the June election, I would like to update readers on the issue of medical marijuana in Del Norte County. California law allows qualified patients to grow and possess marijuana for medical use. The quantity recommended under state guidelines, and followed by 84 percent of counties, is six mature or 12 immature plants, plus 8 ounces of dried marijuana. However, some county boards have enacted stricter laws (such as San Diego, where no marijuana may be grown of possessed) or more liberal limits (including Del Norte, where 99 plants and 1 pound are allowed).

The 99-plant limit in Del Norte has encouraged commercial marijuana growers to move into our community–to great detriment, as voiced by the Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Prevention Coalition, local educators, law enforcement, emergency department staff, trauma surgeons and health-care providers, including current and former county health officers.

The medical marijuana statute will come to a Board of Supervisors vote in June. The supervisor who has shown the greatest leadership on this issue is David Finigan.

Of the current supervisor candidates, only Leslie McNamer and Charlie Wick have not publicly supported limiting marijuana to state guidelines. While opposed to the 99-plant limit, McNamer favors regulating growth based on canopy dimension, and views the 6/12 plant limit as a "bare minimum." Wick advocates additional research on the issue.

Candidate opinions may be heard by podcast at the Web site for The Daily Triplicate, which deserves thanks for bringing this information to voters.

Source: The Daily Triplicate
Copyright: 2008, The Daily Triplicate
Contact: Gregory J. Duncan, M.D., Crescent City
Website: Triplicate.com
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