Let's hear it for the old and long time smokers


New Member
just wanted to say hi to all you young smokers out there in pot land, i'm 58 years old and have been hitting the bong since i was much younger. just never give up on the law , one day we will be free to smoke in the streets of your own city , without having to worry about getting busted. YES FELLOW SMOKERS, A TRULY FREE AMERICA.
Welcome to the site! I can't wait to live in the TRULY FREE AMERICA. It will be a wonderful place!
ive got a question for the "ol' g's", is the weed different now that it was then? is it better? worse?
what he said /\

although, when i was in s. korea back in '71', they had some mighty fine smokin' material. and it was $8.00 a lb., in a silk embroidered pillow case so you could carry it through the gate right in plain sight. they had to know, but i never heard of anybody getting busted.
Welcome to the forums, Ozark. It's nice to see another long time smoker on the site. I hope you'll share some stories with us.

I've been smoking for 30 years, all the way back when a four finger lid ran you ten bucks. Mostly it was referred to simply as Green. When someone called it something like Panama Red or Aucapulco Gold, it was fantastic!!

Ya gotta love California. Good smoke is now more available for me, so I smoke great bud all the time. As expensive as it is these days, IT BETTER BE GOOD!!!:smokin:

Peace and happiness:bong:
I got high for the first time in 1974. Weed was all over the place but I remember when the skunk bud started coming around, also. Mexican, then Columbian gold full of seeds, throw in the occasional Thai stick, Hawaiian gold and panama red, then the green, skunky, piney smelling buds came around. Prices went from $5 to $10 and then to $20 for a quarter OZ. I freaked at the $20 price because bringing home $80 a week was a lot of money for me at the time. Lets see, in 1983 I grossed $13,300 and was able to afford an apartment, food, clothes a car and weed. Welcome aboard, Ozark.
o yes the term " lid" what a fantastic word it was back in the late 60's and early 70's a baggie full of weed for 10 bucks [ yes it was not the best weed ] mostly mexican weed[ very seedy] but it still got you high. we didn't use scales to weigh a bag out , we just filled a baggie and sold it for 10 bucks ,and every body was happy and red-eyed. i smoke my first real good weed in nam in 69 [ they called it thai-stick] very stoney and very cheap, the sticks maybe weighed a 1/4 oz and cost $2.00. but times have changed .STAY HIGH AND REMEMBER ONE DAY WE WILL BE FREE TO SMOKE WHENEVER AND WHEREVER WE WANT. GOD BLESS THE GREEN GOD OF SMOKE.
i hate stealing the thread. so i'll be quick.
schwag is not only a great dead cover band, but they have the spirit as well.
they have an open mic time that you might hear some sub-standard music, but the rest of the music is top notch. last summer george clinton and parliment/funkadelics were there and did a six hour set.

the people are the best part of the event. a 420 campsite would rock.
but then it seems like all the campsites are 420 :- )
Hey, welcome. . its a great site! I am 32 been smoking since I was much younger. Long enough to know, but not long enough to have been able to buy 2 fingers worth for $10. . .lol:laughtwo: I can't imagine it was very good, but I could be wrong. . lol :peace:

4 - 5 fingers back when I started in Texas, was a Lovely Thang
i hate stealing the thread. so i'll be quick.
schwag is not only a great dead cover band, but they have the spirit as well.
they have an open mic time that you might hear some sub-standard music, but the rest of the music is top notch. last summer george clinton and parliment/funkadelics were there and did a six hour set.

the people are the best part of the event. a 420 campsite would rock.
but then it seems like all the campsites are 420 :- )

I got to see George Clinton once, right before they closed a great small outside venue. . The Robin Dell East. . . really bad area, but I loved that place.:peace:
o yes the term " lid" what a fantastic word it was back in the late 60's and early 70's a baggie full of weed for 10 bucks [ yes it was not the best weed ] mostly mexican weed[ very seedy] but it still got you high. we didn't use scales to weigh a bag out , we just filled a baggie and sold it for 10 bucks ,and every body was happy and red-eyed. i smoke my first real good weed in nam in 69 [ they called it thai-stick] very stoney and very cheap, the sticks maybe weighed a 1/4 oz and cost $2.00. but times have changed .STAY HIGH AND REMEMBER ONE DAY WE WILL BE FREE TO SMOKE WHENEVER AND WHEREVER WE WANT. GOD BLESS THE GREEN GOD OF SMOKE
Jeez. You young guys amuse me. By next month this time, I'll be 65. I've been toking since the age of 15 or the year 1971.

(Some of you guys need to put the joints down and check either your math or the dates on your birth certificates! :rofl:)

There was some primo weed back in the day, but it was not easy to find and was always way more expensive than the ordinary weed.

Today, primo weed is everywhere and pricing is fairly uniform for whatever you want, in most cases.

I just starting seriously growing about 3 years ago. I can buy seeds to grow the old strains I used to love or try new stuff that I've come to love. I am now in one of the happiest places I have ever been! :Rasta:

Jeez. You young guys amuse me. By next month this time, I'll be 65. I've been toking since the age of 15 or the year 1971.

(Some of you guys need to put the joints down and check either your math or the dates on your birth certificates! :rofl:)

There was some primo weed back in the day, but it was not easy to find and was always way more expensive than the ordinary weed.

Today, primo weed is everywhere and pricing is fairly uniform for whatever you want, in most cases.

I just starting seriously growing about 3 years ago. I can buy seeds to grow the old strains I used to love or try new stuff that I've come to love. I am now in one of the happiest places I have ever been! :Rasta:

4 finger bag is an oz 2 finger 1/2 oz, 1 finger a dime bag and 1/2 finger nickel bag that’s how it was in 1976 most of the time Mexican or Colombian gold (was almost yellow) I was lucky enough once to land some Hawaiian and it was green sticky and strong we just stared at it in amassment only having seen brown type weed. Good times for sure
ive got a question for the "ol' g's", is the weed different now that it was then? is it better? worse?
Back in the 80’s it was hit and miss . Depended on what your local weed dealer got in the form of Mexican brick weed . Some of that shit was fire. Got a lot of Durban poison and some skunk with occasional blueberry
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