Legal Seminar - California Cannabis Law Update

Katelyn Baker

Well-Known Member
When: January 17, 2017, 12 PM - 1 PM
Where: Nevada County Superior Court, Law Library, 201 Church Street, Nevada City, CA
Contact: 530-265-7161

A local, state, and federal law overview, with a focus on Proposition 64 and the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety.

This seminar will focus on California's quickly shifting law relating to marijuana, focusing on Proposition 64, and including an analysis of what conduct is now legal, the effect of the new law on probable cause issues, and a summary of how Proposition 64 interacts with California's medical marijuana regulation, local ordinances, and federal law. Open to the general public and practicing attorney, who will receive one (1) hour of MCLE credit (Minimum Continuing Legal Education). Cost is $15 non attorneys and $30 attorneys. Pre-registration recommended, as spaces are limited. Call 530-265-7161 or email to pre-register. Arrive by 11:40 am to complete registration. We prefer cash or check, payable to the Nevada County Law Library. Credit cards will also be accepted.
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