Leaves turning crispy and wilting


New Member
Yo people, I have 4 plants which I don't even know if are male or female, that's not the point though, the point is that 1 of the them have leaves that are turning crispy and wilting round the tips. idk if it too many nutes or too few.
I'm growing in soil and haven't used any kind of ferts. and I'm using fresh water only. no direct sunlight but 12 hours of day and 12 hours night. its outdoors btw.
any help is appreciated.
and I'm a new grower too.
High 2ice2ice2!

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any more info you could give us would help tons. It could be many things. have they been getting enough water, has it been hot, could you post pics?
ItsChrome pointed you in all the right directions!

But this is worrisome,
no direct sunlight

Direct light ,among other factors, is necessary for both quality and quantity.

Can you get some grow lights on em to augment the lack of light during the day? Outdoor rated HID's are available at your local electrical supply. (and most mega mart home centers)
Also make sure 'night' is 100% black all the time, no patio lights, street lights or even window light should get near the plants at night. Moonlight and green light are ok.
thanks for the input guys, really appreciate it. And
Here's some pics of the leaves





Maybe its from touching/rubbing the metal grate? Looks localized to near where it interfaces with grate.

Whats your plan on achieving 12 hours uninterrupted darkness for flowering?
Didn't they were ready for flowering..but I guess I'll have to bring them indoors into the closet or something. And then day comes put them out again. Will that do?

And thanks for the response man. Appreciate it.
Didn't think*

oh and i looked to see if it was the metal grate and its not. The crispy leaves the only on that one plant. the others are looking fine.
hey 2 ice, don't know where your from but here in ca we just let our outdoor crops go and let mother nature take its course with daylight savings coming up, you will get your lights out period. l8ter
Say huh? plants do not observe daylight savings...
Yeh i planned on leaving them outside the entire time and let them do their thing, afterall its nature who designed everything. but since human society has made so many lights during the night ill have to bring them in.

oh and i moved them to where they would get direct sunlight all 12 hours a day. how long does it take for them to flower?
after getting no light for 12+hours per night;
1-3 weeks to show sex.
9-10 to finish most indica, 12+ for sativa.
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