Leaves Stuck Together


New Member
I just started a hydro grow and its only been 3 days but it has sprouted with the 2 leaves stuck together with a brown looking spot right at the edge where they are stuck. Should I just leave it alone and see if it splits up on its own or separate it?
Sounds like you have a seed shell stuck on the tips of your seed leaves. If this is the case, it looks like a little brown cup or cap holding the ends of the 2 seed leaves together. Some folks say wait and it will pop off naturally,... I'm a bit impatient and usually try some VERY GENTLE work with a pair of tweezers. It goes without saying.... be extremely careful if you go the tweezer route.

The seed literally just fell off after I moved it. But it still seems like the 2 leaves are held together at the 2 tips with a little brown spot on both. Sorry I don't have a camera right now or I would of put up a picture.
Sweet thanks for the help I was worried the 2 leaves were pancaked together at the tips but after reading your post I guess it is a normal thing.
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