Leaves starting to get brown areas: Deficiency? Organic grow


Well-Known Member
Sorry. I have a hell of a time finding answers to my search questions. Day 29 northern lights x big bud auto fem organic grow. Finished 2nd tea yesterday, 1 week apart. Water ph 6.5 temp 24C humidity available 50 to 60 percent. One fan running. Grow light spiderfarmer SF2000, recently increased to 60 percent approx 120 watts. The smallest plant should be the same size as the rest, but she had an accident during training and lost most of her top due to my incompetence. I am assuming that I have a problem with too much of a certain nutrient and that is why it is most noticed in the smallest plant, as she would have the same size rootball as the rest of the plants and took in more of whatever is causing the issue. I don't see anything on the underside of the leaf. Any ideas? I generally water when dry. Normally every 2 to 3 days they get watered approx 1.5 L. They are in 5 gallon fabric pots.






I took a quick glance at your journal, since that’s a brand new soil I would back off the tea and just go plain water for a while. But the one thing I think you have too much of - is water.... it’s a very common problem, watering too frequently. That’s a lot of soil for a smallish plants which is ok but the plants can’t use that much water so it sits there. There is no way the soil can dry out in 2 to 3 days and then it gets replenished with 1.5 liters more. Suggest you let them dry out for 5 to 7 days minimum - maybe even longer. They won’t die, but you will freak out. Its hard to do hands off in the garden because that would seem as if you are doing nothing, but don’t love them to death....

It’s called lift the pot method - fill another same size grow bag with the exact same dry soil mix but minus the plant and minus the water. Use the new bag as a comparison weight, lift it then compare against your other bags with plants. When the soil is totally dry the bag is as light as a feather. Your bags will be heavy from the weight of wet soil. The wet soil will slow your plants down and can attract pests.

What kind of floor is under the tent? Holler back if it’s concrete or tile - ok? Have you taken a hygrometer reading on the floor of your tent? It might help to get them jacked up off of the floor. Coldest point in any room or grow space is the floor, the warmest point in that same room is near the ceiling, even in a tent there is a few degrees of spread between floor temp & ceiling temp.

It’s all good my friend - we all started the same way.... there are many lessons yet to come
Ok cruised your place for another second. For a garage or basement grow the concrete slab is a major deal. The slab stays about 55 degrees all year long even from the coldest point in winter to the hottest days in summer there is only 1 or 2 degrees of variation on the slab temp. I see that you have carpet on the slab but it would help greatly if you could elevate the entire tent on a few pallets or milk crates and maybe add a layer of sheet foam. Also not sure if this applies but if possible avoid having your tent next to a brick or cinderblock wall, create a gap between the two if you can
Ok cruised your place for another second. For a garage or basement grow the concrete slab is a major deal. The slab stays about 55 degrees all year long even from the coldest point in winter to the hottest days in summer there is only 1 or 2 degrees of variation on the slab temp. I see that you have carpet on the slab but it would help greatly if you could elevate the entire tent on a few pallets or milk crates and maybe add a layer of sheet foam. Also not sure if this applies but if possible avoid having your tent next to a brick or cinderblock wall, create a gap between the two if you can
Thanks for your reply. There is tile and a thin carpet underneath. It is next to an interior wall. I lifted everything 2 ft on totes. I have a fan blowing through the pots and another fan for the tops. My light is 16 inches above the tallest at approx 120 watts. I went through and cleaned the bottom tray with a solution of water and a little bleach. The bins that I put in also got a bit of the cleaning solution. I only found one bug, which you will often find in northwestern Ontario a carpet beetle. Shouldn't be bothered with cannabis and it was dead. Ugly as all hell when you zoom in on them. Will do a dry weight of my pots tomorrow, just need a little extra soil. I also have approx 20 percent perlite in my pots for aeration. I will stop teas and at 6 weeks do a top dressing. So in two more weeks. Any other ideas for helping this first grow? I appreciate your time very much.


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I’m as newbie as they come only growing a year now but yes there is steep learning curve here. Looks like you are in excellent shape and that was fast on implementation, looks great to me. Yep even tile & carpet on concrete can mess with your garden. Don’t trust that soil probe meter for your garden decisions, they are cheap and known to be very inaccurate.

Might want to get inexpensive lux meter to dial in your light spacing, I’m getting ready to do the same - my fear is that I’ve been wasting time and money paying for electricity but having my lights too far away for fear of burning up the foliage. I should have nailed this down 8 months ago.... stupid me but my growers budget is stretched thin these days...

hope those leaves turn around quick, this could be related to ph too so time will tell but I think you will be cool
New growth appears good. I didn't use a soil tester, but was planning on picking one up anyways. Probably tomorrow. I only ph the water. I do ph with vitamin c. I t was a cheap inexpensive way to do it as my tap water comes in at 7.8. Approx 160mg per 4L water brings it down to 6.5. This could be the issue. Will need to do more research.
Just looks like your plants got water spilled on them or the leaves were touching the soil or both.

When you spill water on the leaves sometimes it can burn the leaves. In nature a rainy day is usually cloudy and not bright sun.

looks good to me not sure about the bugs... can not identify dont want to look again.

Also same with the teas if you spill that on leaves it fer sure can burn leaves.

Its not a deficiency.
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