Leave Tips Burnt


420 Member
Hello everyone need some help! I've noticed leave tips are burning. I guess I made a typical newbie mistake and over feed little bit. Does anyone have a diagnosis for this? How to handle this? Thank you all for the help i can get.

leave tips burning.PNG
I wouldn't worry about it unless it progresses badly, in which case flush the pot
Having said that, I can't see the whole plant - is the rest of it a good green?
I wouldn't worry about it unless it progresses badly, in which case flush the pot
Having said that, I can't see the whole plant - is the rest of it a good green?
Yeah more pics would definitly help....also what are feeding / how much & how often? It could also have something to do with your lighting....looks a bit like light burn.
Yes, a few more photos with at least one showing the whole plant top to bottom so the group can see if there might be another problem causing the tip burn look.

Turn off the grow lights and use a white light, whether the room's ceiling light or a table lamp. The grow light is making the plant look a yellow-orange color which makes it harder to see the problem.

I've noticed leave tips are burning. I guess I made a typical newbie mistake and over feed little bit.
As Roy mentions it probably is not a big issue unless it starts getting a lot worse very quickly. You mention that you over fed a little bit so it should not be a big-time problem.
On the second look…the first was just a quick one during lunch break at work 😅….it seems that the top finger of that fan leaf at the bottom of the pic is showing dark veins and light yellowish parts between that….i’m by far no expert….but maybe this link could be helpful


Otherwise…. @SmokingWings and @Roy Growin will help you out for sure if you just give them enough info/pics. 👍
On the second look…the first was just a quick one during lunch break at work 😅….it seems that the top finger of that fan leaf at the bottom of the pic is showing dark veins and light yellowish parts between that….i’m by far no expert….butmaybe this link could be helpful


Otherwise…. @SmokingWings and @Roy Growin will help you out for sure if you just give them enough info/pics. 👍
Sry @ledtoke420guy I can‘t remove the double post…..also a 420newbie 😅
What some group members do is hit the edit button on the 2nd msg and backspace it all out and then type in the note about it having been a double posting.
What some group members do is hit the edit button on the 2nd msg and backspace it all out and then type in the note about it having been a double posting.
But you only get 420 minutes to edit it. Beyond that you have to ask a mod to make the edit for you, or in your case, simply ask them to remove it.

Just hit the "Report" button on the lower left of the post you want edited/removed and that will pop up a box in which you can make your request.
But you only get 420 minutes to edit it. Beyond that you have to ask a mod to make the edit for you, or in your case, simply ask them to remove it.
I get the feeling that the moderators don't like doing because there are times when it ends up being more involved than just the one msg. They have to change the msg count numbers and account for every who might have added a "thumbs up" or any of the other little emojis or whatever they are called.

Those are some of what they have to go through when removing a spaM msg that members replied to. They have to also remove the members msgs and anything connected.
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