Least Amount Of supplies Possible. Advice?


New Member
All right, So I started growing recently, and I want to do a good job.
Now I do not have a lot of money to spare, but I don't want to skip out of my girl

My question, what are the basic supplies I should have to make my baby big and strong?

It has not sprouted yet and is in a 1.1 QT pot.

-Jayson :peace:

P.S. Her name is Rastafarianism. ;)
i would start right here,,How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

i started there two years ago,, still find my self there likely everyday,, lol
i have found growing is a never ending journey of reading and research and oh well screw it, it will work for now,, type deal,, for me anyways,,,

as im a noob,, all i can say is start with good soil, get a soil testing ph kit, a little patience and some tlc,,
as for giving advice of what you need,, maybe start with what you already have so people can advise the right things you need,,:)
good luck!
Ya Ive read a lot in that forum, there is just so much info to take in. And I always see stuff being talked about, and I am clueless to what they are lol.

As of right now, all I have is my pot of soil, my seed planted, and the sun. If it sprouts I'm going to go buy a 60 watt lamp and use a 60 watt plant light.
i would buy daylight (6500k) cfl's to put over them,,
two 26w ones and a splitter run about $10,, and give you 3400 lumens which would be sufficient for one plant during vegetation,but the more the better,,
will need more lights for budding,, so either look into buying HID or just keep adding more cfl's (2700k) or warm for flower,can get 42w 2700k 2600 lumens for about $15,, for one plant i would shoot for 10,000 lumens, so 4 of those 42w would get decent buds i would think,,
good luck,,
Well this is my plan. I'm growing where I cant get my plant too big. My plan is to get as big as i can in my room, and then when it is strong enough, move it outside.

But I will go out and get a splitter and some bulbs to get my darling growing big and strong. :Rasta:
(although I will still probably be asking some questions lol)

-Jayson :peace:
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