Leaf yellowing


420 Member
Hello everybody. Fairly new to growing.... could anyone please help me with what the yellow spots are on my plants. I have 6 in total and 3 have these Many thanks BW
No I’m not ..... I’ve only been using these .... do I need to add more stuff to them then?? Someone said it looked like pests but I’ve searched the entire grow and can’t find a thing
Any way you can get a better picture in regular light? I think that is in the leaf not on it based on what it reminds me from my experiences. Indoor grows need cal/mag for sure, you should add it to your mix..lots of posts here that can support that. I'm sure that's a fine two part nute system but for some reason none of them include cal/mag. Maybe hard to add in or something. Also do you know what the pH of your soil and water (before adding anything to it) is?
Hiya mate ... my water level is about 7 but after feed in water brings it down to about 6.3- 6.5 And I have no idea about the soil ph
That water is within a good range, 6-7 is acceptable. Some say lower 6's like your water, some say higher. Seems to me its nice to know the pH of the water but if you don't know the soil pH then you really don't know the pH level the plants are actually worried about. I use a cheap soil want to get my pH. While it might not be extra accurate, it gives me a baseline to start from. I also just linked this in another thread, might be helpful.

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