Leaf tip curling down


Well-Known Member
Noticing some leaf tips curling down wondering what it could be. I’ve been watering every 2-3 days letting it dry to one inch or so down in between waterings. Any opinion would be great thanks


hmm.is your humidity dialed in? it is far more important than people realize, and the plants needs change throughout the different stage growth, how old is she?? I think I can see some powder coming up on that last photo
That is a good question, I know you won't want grass growing on them for one, there are lots of plants that reduce or raise humidity so be mindful of what is around, if they are getting wet overnight you can cover them, I am very interested in learning other ways to do this, I know fountains for example have a great cooling effect in an area, that would raise the humidity. The plant's needed humidity range changes through the different states of growth, 80-95 seedlings and clones, 50-70 for Veg, and 30-40 during bloom. Hey friend thanks for talking, hit me up anytime
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