Leaf damage? pics


New Member
Okay everybody.. here's my stats.

I'm growing in a grow tent that measures 4'x3' by 38" tall. I've got an air cooled hood and a 4 inch fan to cool it. Temps are from 77-82.

I've got 6 plants and my two bubblegum clones are showing some sort of deficiency.

They're all in Fox farm ocean forest in 16 oz. cups and are soon to be transplanted into bigger pots.

I've been watering when soil feels dry with Earth Juice 2-1-1 at 1/4 dose, and super thrive. Also Earth Juice microblast.

Any advice?

That's actually two plants, but yes they're both clones.

I was thinking a N deficiency but take a look at the tips of new growth on the second picture. They're yellowing?
Dude, bubble gum (in my experience) is a sensitive strain. Monitor ur PH and PPM/EC closely. Tried to grow it twice and it never came out right for me. I watched another grower go thru similar sensitivity issues. Both were Oaksterdam bubble gum clones. U may have different genetics. From my experience this is the case with this strain. Looking at ur pics. U have clones in cups that are half filled with soil. I'd say transplant them and see how they do. They may just be rootbound. Try not to leave them in the cups too long. Once u see healthy new growth, transplant.
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