Lately Im having trouble getting high?


New Member
I used to be able to get high as hell off around 7 or 8 hits off my bowl, and now that doesnt really faze me.
Does this mean my tolerance is getting higher, or is it the difference in the quality bud im getting?:bong:
Could be a little of both. Everyone prefers a different high. Some like the kind that kicks ya into the couch for hours and some people prefer a kind you can smoke and still go out. Not all cannabis is the same. ;-) Sometimes quality is the problem, but still take consideration of what I noted. ;-)
Both. Mainly the tolerance part though. Just start cutting back. Enjoy your high, you dont need to over do it. Taking breaks is always a good choice too.
what kind of device are you using? 2 hits out a bong will get me much higher than 4 tokes from a pipe
I hate it when people say they only smoke the best bud in *insert any area here.* It's like they're saying they know everyone who smokes and sells, tried it all and bought the best. Come on, nobody can say they only smoke the finest.
I think my tollerance has gone up. I used to get baked for like 4 hours off of a blunt (with a few friends.) Now by the time were done smoking I'm already wondering when were gonna roll the next one.
i get high off 1 bowl easy.. smoke dank only.. never anything lower than headies.
I used to be able to get high as hell off around 7 or 8 hits off my bowl, and now that doesnt really faze me.
Does this mean my tolerance is getting higher, or is it the difference in the quality bud im getting?:bong:

whats up man.......I go threw about about 1 1/2 oz a week and , yes your intake has a lot to do with how high you get. Try this old "back in the day" trick, it is called "420". Smoke for 20 days and take 4 days off in a row....I know...i kills , but that next start of the 20 days is like smoking back in high school. The 4 days gives the body just enough time to spit out a good bit out of your system. A doctor who delivered my kids told me this years ago and have been sticking to it ever since. Trust an old hippie works. peace.... :hippy:

HERE.......LETS SMOKE A FATTY ... :passitleft:
It sounds like your tolerance. Try detoxing for a couple of days. Drink lots of water with lemon and take Niacin pills to flush out your system.
whats up man.......I go threw about about 1 1/2 oz a week and , yes your intake has a lot to do with how high you get. Try this old "back in the day" trick, it is called "420". Smoke for 20 days and take 4 days off in a row....I know...i kills , but that next start of the 20 days is like smoking back in high school. The 4 days gives the body just enough time to spit out a good bit out of your system. A doctor who delivered my kids told me this years ago and have been sticking to it ever since. Trust an old hippie works. peace.... :hippy:

HERE.......LETS SMOKE A FATTY ... :passitleft:

Amen to that!!:ganjamon:
i think its your tolerance.if i start smoking early in the day i dont get as high that whole day but if i dont start smoking until the evening than i get high quite a bit quicker.just a couple hours of not smoking could do the trick if youre a heavy smoker
hey i am having the same prob,,but i unfortunately know that it is due to tolerance,, i have'nt taken a break in likely 5 years,, i know i know,, but man its hard,,
does anyone know of a way in which i can take a break for like the shortest possible time while still being effective,
like i mean if i take detox drinks and drink lots of water for like 2 or 3 days and dont smoke will that flush my system of thc and i will start to get high again or just pass a piss test ,,, lol ,,or do i just have to suck it up and quit for like a week or two,,, ?? even oil and hash arent doing it anymore,,
heard of 5-htp so i tried it and im pretty sure thats bunk ,,lol
any suggestions ,,,,,??
Sure pay yer doc fer a chemical induced comma. When you wake you feel great and be rdy fer that hit like it was yesterday hehe. Seriously, you can and WILL develop tolerance to pot if you endulge to much. This is comming from a med patient that uses about an OZ a day so its been years since ive been high. I can smoke bongs, pipes, joints, blunts, vapes etc all day long (and I do ;) ) with no "ill" effects. Unfortunatly for many of us that take it medicaly dont have the option of stoping for a few days even as for many its our main or even ounly med that works for pain nausea etc. Hmmmm i wonder if I should go back to the narcotics for a week or so...........NOT A CHANCE HEH!!!!
I dont know if I replied to this (too lazy to look up last page) but stop smoking for a few days. A week if you can. LOnger, maybe?

Smoke smaller amounts and you'll get just as high. Also, changing your smoking method works. I alternate bong hits and blunts. Try that and see what happens.
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