Late Bloom Cut for Cloning


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried or had experience taking a cut from a plant at 10 weeks bloom ?
any problems

I can’t get seeds anymore for Crystal White from Spliff in Amsterdam …may have to re-veg but would rather clone if possible.
the problem i encounter is clones need high humidity which rots the flowers and then the cutting dies

if you want to take clones in bloom take much more than you need and keep the humidity at the bare minimum for them to survive.

i succesfully took clones after flipping many times but its a low success rate.
Has anyone tried or had experience taking a cut from a plant at 10 weeks bloom ?
any problems

I can’t get seeds anymore for Crystal White from Spliff in Amsterdam …may have to re-veg but would rather clone if possible.
Yes sir right here take longer to root but it can be done. I recommend using a solo cup and all perlite
These were monster cropped 7th week into flower. To clones taken off of an 7th week flower plant strain unknown.. took me about a month to root identified another month to start going a good growth

Personally I love cloning marijuana regular clones I just take a solo cup with dirt and put a clear solo cup over the top of it like a dome works perfect Plus I can have it in my 18/6 light or sometimes I've been keeping the light on 24/7 in my vegroom either way works out great. I'll be off work later on this afternoon she got any questions I don't mind helping you out anyway whatsoever I'm off tomorrow so I got plenty of time just got to do some transplanting when I get home I got seven clones
the problem i encounter is clones need high humidity which rots the flowers and then the cutting dies

if you want to take clones in bloom take much more than you need and keep the humidity at the bare minimum for them to survive.

i succesfully took clones after flipping many times but its a low success rate.
Hi Redwiggler, pleased to meet you. @Trala you have taken clones quite far into bloom haven't you?
No , never taken in bloom, hence the question
No , never taken in bloom, hence the question
Trala is a member who has taken clones in bloom. I was calling her into the conversation. I understood your question :)
Personally I love cloning marijuana regular clones I just take a solo cup with dirt and put a clear solo cup over the top of it like a dome works perfect Plus I can have it in my 18/6 light or sometimes I've been keeping the light on 24/7 in my vegroom either way works out great. I'll be off work later on this afternoon she got any questions I don't mind helping you out anyway whatsoever I'm off tomorrow so I got plenty of time just got to do some transplanting when I get home I got seven clones
I do close to 100 clones a problem…my question wasn’t how to do…it was about taking cuts quite late into bloom(10-11 weeks).
may have to re-veg but would rather clone if possible.
Being that you are already 10 weeks into flower as mentioned in the first msg you will have to re-vegetate. No way out of it. Either each cutting or the entire plant will have to loose its flowers and enter back into a vegetating stage.

Over the years I have read many messages where the grower was able to take cuttings in the first 2 or 3 weeks of flower but I don't remember anyone doing cuttings 10 weeks in like that. I used to keep a note on the door to the flowering cabinet that read "Take cuttings up to 21 days and no more after moving to flowering cabinet". Going more than 21 days was not worth it to me. I admit that you are in a different situation so you will have some extra work.

You might want to consider harvesting on schedule but keeping as many leaves as possible and some of the flowers on the stems. Remove the flowers themselves so that more leaves and some growing tips are kept. Then start to re-vegetate the plant. Based on reading what some have said, it took them 4 to 8 weeks to know that they were successful.

If successful let the plant grow some nice stem and leaf structure and take lots and lots of clones.
Being that you are already 10 weeks into flower as mentioned in the first msg you will have to re-vegetate. No way out of it. Either each cutting or the entire plant will have to loose its flowers and enter back into a vegetating stage.

Over the years I have read many messages where the grower was able to take cuttings in the first 2 or 3 weeks of flower but I don't remember anyone doing cuttings 10 weeks in like that. I used to keep a note on the door to the flowering cabinet that read "Take cuttings up to 21 days and no more after moving to flowering cabinet". Going more than 21 days was not worth it to me. I admit that you are in a different situation so you will have some extra work.

You might want to consider harvesting on schedule but keeping as many leaves as possible and some of the flowers on the stems. Remove the flowers themselves so that more leaves and some growing tips are kept. Then start to re-vegetate the plant. Based on reading what some have said, it took them 4 to 8 weeks to know that they were successful.

If successful let the plant grow some nice stem and leaf structure and take lots and lots of clones.
I believe that I’ll take the revegg advice…probably do the two …then maybe later in this year take clones and then reverse one for pollen and go for my own personal seedbank. Didn’t want to go this route but I think it might be my best option
I've taken early flowering clones and had no issues but never tried late flowering cloning. I have harvested the flowerers, leaving some leaves and "smalls" attached and re-vegged the plant successfully. I would suggest that as an option like the others...

Might as well try late cloning though as you still have the base plant to work with if you don't get roots on the clone...
a clone probably won't take that late in flower. you'd have a lot better chance of revegging a whole plant. it would have to be harvested careful with enough vegetation left on to drive it. it's how it used to be done in BM commercial ops.
Tried re-vegging…plant was really struggling…I have lots of other really goo d stuff….so chopped it and onward and upward
You might have given up to early like many of us have. Based on everything I have read about doing a re-vegetating it can take several weeks, maybe up to 4, just to find out that the plant will stay alive and and another 4 to be sure that the plant will go back to a non-flowering growth.

Every now and then I have read where a grower will leave a lot of potential flower sites on the plant at harvest time and then try to get the plant to continue to develop new buds. Not often but they try and if they do pull it off they get a limited about of buds.

I have never tried to vegetate after a harvest since it is hard enough just to get cuttings taken early in flowering to revert back.
i revegged one 8 wks to turn around ... i got single bladers the size of palm leaves lol :p
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