I just ordered some fox farm soil, coco and 7 gal fabric pots. They will be here soon. At that point I will start another plant. My GD purp is budding right now so at least I will have some weed. Whatever this plant puts out I will use as well. I'm just going to let it grow or die. Will start the new one when I get my new stuff. This is only my 3rd plant. I am finding out that weed isn't just a weed. This has been a huge learning experience for me. I am constantly having to change what I am doing each grow to get a good plant. I am always researching where I can improve. I am 2 for 3 right now. Planted 3 plants and only the 2nd try has survived with real output that's going to be smoked. You have seen what happened with my 3rd plant. LOL! At least I have everything I need for the pest part and nuts from fox farms. Have the meters for ph and moisture for feeding and watering. Now going to try something besides steer manure and potting soil from the local hardware store. I have a good variety of seeds to go with, still have Wedding Cake, Krypto, GD purp and Gorilla Glue. Wedding Cake was what I grew first and that poor plant got so infested w/black fly fungus knats it killed it right as it was budding. I had no idea what they were and didn't know why the plant was dying...LOL! But hey, I am motivated to keep trying because I love my weed. Been smoking since high school and I'm 66 now. I lived in CA until 2 years ago so never had to grow it myself, it was everywhere. Florida isn't legal without a prescription and you can't grow your own with one. You have to get the prescription every 6 months which is a royal pain and expensive since you can't buy from anyone, it has to be through their dispensary, you want an ounce, you are paying 400 bucks for it. So I decided to invest in a inside grow box with a light. I have a buddy in CA that has grown it for many years and he has been very helpful. He even sent me a care package when I was out. Of the strains I have which one do you think I should try for the next plan? I only do one at a time. My grow box is only 2x2. Some day I may upgrade so I can grow 2 at a time, but for now one if I can get it going to harvest that gives me two plants a year with just one pound per plant will keep me in weed year round. At least that's my goal.