Kitty's First Grow Spring 2017: LED & CFL & Sun


Well-Known Member
CannaKitty's Spring 2017 First Timer's Mixed LED/CFL/Greenhouse Grow

Hello all!
My name is Kitty. This will be my first true committed attempt to grow. When I was in college, my live in boyfriend and I set up a closet but I wasn't able to reap the benefits of that grow after moving out and ending it with the guy I was growing and living with. That was almost 10 years ago anyway so a lot has changed (lights, laws, my patience, my location, most of all ME). I moved to Italy 3 and a half years ago. I live a kilometer from the Mediterranean sea. It is the middle of February and as the days get longer I am starting my grow. In Italy it is not illegal to consume marijuana but it is illegal to purchase or sell it mainly because big bro can't collect tax on it. It is legal to cultivate personal amounts of marijuana technically limited to ONE flowering plant at a time following a 2011 ruling by the Supreme Court, that it is for personal use and provided that the defendant's "conduct in committing the offence was not 'offensive', i.e. harmful to public safety". Okay before I continue my babblingaling, let me give y'all the deets.

What strain is it? Seeds were gifted to me by a friend/grower in Florence. He says they are his combination of "N. lights x A.Indica x White widow". They come with no guarantees and are by all means 'unstable'. I have smoked the product they produce and its quite nice and heady. He gifted me about 50 viable seeds... These, I believe, are the best choice for my first 'learner's grow'. (I already, murdered my first 8 seeds by being unprepared and too eager)

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Hybrid but obviously unknown.

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? We are starting at the very beginning here my friends. I am trying to get 7-10 plants, and then hoping for half ladies, and hoping I can keep at least half of those ladies alive. I only have the lights for 3 ladies but I also have a greenhouse (glass enclosed balcony) so anything I can't fit will be going outdoors for a traditional Italian summer harvest . Because I kicked off my grow with a germination shit show Now, I am taking it slower and adding patience. I have 5 seeds I soaked in water for 24 hours. They then went between moist but not soaking wet paper towels on a plate covered with saran wrap. I wrapped them up in a big black beach towel and put them just close enough to my radiator to get warm for 48 hours. 4 out of 5 popped their tap roots and were moved to wet but not sopping peat pellets. Only a couple cm down lightly (but completely) covered in a pinch of the peat. I have another 5 seeds running 48 hours behind these ones (currently in moist paper towels). I am doing this so that if I make a mistake on the first wave. I can correct it on the second. I figure 48 hours is enough time for them to grow together but for me to possibly correct minor mistakes. It's like having a second kid... just in case. (bahahaha I obviously am not a mother)

If in Veg... For how long? My long winded prior paragraph is enough right?

If in Flower stage... For how long? -

Indoor or outdoor? Indoor + Greenhouse (glass enclosed balcony) when temps allow.

Soil or Hydro? Soil Mix

If soil... what is in your mix? Rooted in Peat Pellets then the plan is to go into 70/30 BioBizz All Mix/Perlite. (My Hydro shop guy shop recommended strait to BB Allmix but I have read that can be too much on seedlings) Then probably straight BioBizz in my big pots.

If soil... What size pot? Peat Pellets to Square 10/10s(cm) then I have 5 Square 20/20cm for my most successful girls... Not quite sure where I will jump from there... depends how things grow. (hehe get it? Go=Grow I am a total nerd sry)

Size of light? Right now I have one Mars 300 LED (True watt +/- 140) I have 2 150 watt CFL's (3200k) on their way (ordered online) that will be added towards the end of veg when the arrive. I also have two little 30 watt cfls (also 3200k) I found at a 'Chinese' market here. These are the highest watt CFL's I could find locally. CFL's are very hard to find in the EU as absolutely EVERYthing has been replaced by LEDs here. I plan on doing DIY reflectors for the 150's. Right now I have the 30's in ghetto old lamps I found around the house. They aren't even necessary yet but I have them in there. I took photos so you can see just how ghetto rigged I've got things.

Is it aircooled? Right now I am using my second bathroom to grow the seedlings. The temps in my enclosed balcony are too low for seedlings this time of year. Then, ironically, it will get too hot. As the plants grow I will be creating my grow closet from a basically unused big amoire (sp???) in my spare room that has air conditioning. (very rare in Italy). Nonetheless I am working with LED and CFL so heat isn't a big issue... as of yet.

Temp of Room/cab? As they are only plant babies I am keeping them above 25° which is 77° for my US friends.

RH of Room/cab? I live in a very humid area, less than a klick from the sea. I don't foresee having to monitor humidity at this point. Once the temps get high enough for humidity to be an issue the plants will be flowering in a dedicated flowering closet in an air conditioned room.

PH of media or res? The ph of my tap water is very neutral around 6.5. With near perfect tap PH and using organic soils and nutes, I don't foresee PH being any issue nor do I feel I have to monitor it at THIS point in my journey. That may change. We shall see. When talking to the guy at my hydro shop I wanted to buy some strips or a ph kit and he said they would be a waste of money because the nutes themselves change the color of the water even if only slightly and this will give you an inaccurate reading. The shop is 15 minutes away and the guy says our water is as perfect as it gets but to let it sit a bit to let the chlorine dissipate.

Any Pests ? My condo is on the 2nd floor of the building and have no current bug problems. This may change, We shall see.

How often are you watering? Because I have the luxury of being home with my plants all day I am able to water as needed. Everything I have read tells me to water as needed and to wait until the soil is dry one knuckle deep.

Type and strength of ferts used? Talked it over with the guy at my hydro store. I was so happy to find this place. It's so close and so chill. We talked my whole plan over a spliff in the store (in Italian though) and he really thought BioBizz was the best for a first grow. Sticking to organic means I should not have to worry about PH. (If I see signs of issues i will of course address them) They have much more expensive products for sale in his shop but dude kept it real.

So those are the basics... On to a short summary of where I am at.

I have never lived in a climate quite as naturally brilliant for marijuana as I do now. I own my own condo. I do not have any 'private' outdoor area to garden but as I have mentioned I do have an enclosed sort of sunroom/greenhouse room. My original plan was to do a true seasonal grow in my sunroom/enclosed balcony but the more I read and the more information I absorbed the more I realized that I was going to have to still create a separate indoor grow space to ensure a successful grow.

I work from home. I am home all day to tend to my new hobby.

I don't have ton of money to spend on my grow right off the bat. I was gifted seeds by another Tuscan grower. These are the seeds of a strain he has been growing in the Tuscan outdoors with success for over 15 years. No auto fem auto flower etc. I know good genetics ARE important and I may receive a bit of flack over not going to a seed bank. Nonetheless, these are not just some bag seed I collected. I have smoked the product the seeds can create. For a first time grow, I think these seeds will be a good learning experience (growing from seed, sexing plants, finding what works). He generously gave me enough seeds for me to compensate for their instability. I would hate to spend a ton of money on seeds, have them all die, and basically lose any investment. (I already murdered 8 for god's sake!) Murder Deets: I got really excited when the seeds arrived (before I had my lights, soil, anything). I read put them in a wet paper towel and put them in your window sill. And so 8... very seemingly viable (the healthiest looking of all my seeds) sat in a sopping wet waterlogged paper towel inside a ziploc bag on a very cold yet SUNNY window sill. After reading more and more and waiting day after day... I realized I had fucked up. The 4 seeds that did pop (only barely) I put in completely soaking wet peat pellets. THEN, I was trying to be thrifty and used what I thought was a thoroughly rinsed out old windex bottle to spray the little guys. What the FUCK was I thinking there? If I didn't drown all my seeds I definitely killed them as no matter how many times I rinsed that windex bottle that windex chemical smell just didn't go away. Could you IMAGINE if they had been 8 seedbank priced seeds? I'm genuinely not a stupid person but I did some stupid things not thinking things out thoroughly. This hobby will be a practice in the patience I quite obviously need to work on.

A little about my equipment. It sucks... I know... but I am trying. I am trying so hard I spent a long time typing this up in hopes someone out there will want to help this little lady find her green thumb :) As I mentioned before I am using what little start up funds I have on items I consider more of an investment. My first expense was the very basic Mars 300watt LED on ebay. I know it is bare bones but it is a little lamp that I can build upon if necessary and for the price... can't be beat. I thought about purchasing two but decided instead on supplementing with CFL. These 30 watts are place holders until my 150s come. Also, don't forget, these plants will be getting at the very minimum 6-8 hours sunlight a day (more than likely a lot more). I have read a lot about sunlight versus lamps and everything, including my gut tells me pure mediterranean sunlight whenever possible will beat the most expensive grow lamp.

So I probably forgot a bunch of things but I will add over time. As far as photos I don't have much for you except my ghetto bathroom seedling setup. I'll show you that though. As I grow, I too will grow. Right now my spare bathroom is the best space for them with a south facing window and white paint/tiles everywhere. As I mentioned I am working on turning my ikea closet into a grow closet but I have to wait till I get paid as I have sprung all my spending money on the lights, soil, pots, nutes, etc.

I can't tell you how THANKFUL I am for this site and these forums. I have read so so so much. I also want to thank ANYONE who has taken the time to read this. I know I can be very very longwinded... but I just have a lot to say. Any and all suggestions, hints, help is WELCOME. Please don't be mean... that is my only request. I'm just trying my best here.

So... CannaKitty grow from seed? We shall see! I will be updating as frequently as I can. Here are the pics of my bathroom setup. Please don't laugh! I took one photo with the shutters open and one with them closed. They are complete black out shutters which are convenient as the glow from my bathroom is pretty intense at night:)


That's all I got for now!
Welcome to 420 Cannakitty, looks to me that you've been lurking around these part for a while... Glad you decided to share a journal with us, we can certainly help with some tips and advice along the way. I'll stick around for the Mediterranean adventure, good luck:thumb:

At this stage in growth you could use a single cfl(6500k) for the first week or two. That led is awfully close to the plant albeit the Humidity dome is blocking quite a bit. But your setup looks promising, cfls can grow great buds. It's just a tad bit more strategic with training for an optimally level canopy. But then again that mars 300 is nothing to sneeze at either, they are reliable lights and grow great buds too.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
At this stage in growth you could use a single cfl(6500k) for the first week or two. That led is awfully close to the plant albeit the Humidity dome is blocking quite a bit.

I moved the dome down about a foot and a half after the photo. Nonetheless... I do believe I have failed another germination attempt. It has been 48 hours since I put the cracked seeds in their jiffy pots and no sign of sprout. Maybe I am being impatient. Also I am starting to doubt my seeds. The thing is, there is SO much conflicting information in regards to germination.

I dont think those cfl at that distance have any effect.Shouldnt be put at around 7-8cm?Just asking tho

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights

Yes... in my grow journal I explained that the lamps weren't there to do anything I just wanted to show the equip I had at this point in time. I will be making DIY reflectors for them

So back to the germination issues. I now have science experiments with seeds all over the house at this point. The first five seeds that cracked in moist dark warm paper towels that were transferred to pellets and then put under a humidity dome under my lamp two feet down have no signs of sprouting. So that is 5 days since the seeds hit water... 48 hours under soil. Am I being impatient? Or is something wrong?

I also have 5 seeds in moist paper towels in dark warmth and only two cracked in that batch. The tap roots haven't extended and it has been 48 hours since they popped.

I came to the conclusion that most likely this issue is a combination of me being too hands on and the seeds most likely not stored in the best way possible and possibly a little old. And so... I scarify 5 seeds lightly with a nail file, let them soak twelve hours in water until they sink and then put them directly into pellets. Those went under the lamp with the rest. Maybe that isn't the best place for them? I am losing my mind trying to get these guys to germinate. EVEN if the seeds were stored improperly you would think ONE out of all these experiments would have popped? I don't know guys. I don't have any Hydrogen peroxide in the house but I am going to go get some to try to use that in the mix. I also read using naturally carbonated water to germinate has some good effects on hard to germ seeds. Luckily I live in Italy where there are more types of bottle water at the market than there are soda. And luckily I have a lot of seeds.

I know what a good seed looks like and yes there are light, not fully developed seeds in my jar but the ones I am using are fully developed and look like healthy viable seeds. I don't know guys... I am really doubting myself here.

Can someone give me their best clearest germination method for hard to germ seeds? Yes I have looked through the forums but... all that has brought me is a LOT of conflicting information.
Kitty I really think that you are "bothering" the seeds to often by touching or I dont know what.Ill give you an example.Every time I find seeds in the weed I put them in the flowers that are in the balcony and have more than one month and you know how temps were outside.I just throw them in the dirt about 1.5cm and just keep it a little moisty.Every one of the after max one week sproted and even the temps at night so etimes go low like before 2-3 days thay still grow with no problem just slower.

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights
I dont suggest to put them directly in dirt,soak them in watter first but no towel or anything else.Just soak and put them in the dirt,keep it worm no lamps needed cause I know our sun in this part hahaha plus on mondey temps gonna go up.after you can transfer them in your setup.It will take little longer but thay WILL germinate

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights
Plus come and smoke one to get in the zone ......

...“Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud.”...
Please help with lights

Agh! Daaaaank buds! Unfortunately this is the tiem of year in Italy where all the fall's harvests are drying up. Right now I am smoking on some good hash but IMO hash will never compare to flower. I grew up in the US where it is the opposite way around... you can't find anything but buds... never smoked hash before coming to Europe (except on my trips through Europe)!

Wake and bake tiiime :)
So NONE of my first set of germinated seeds took to their peat pellets. Came to the conclusion it is my seeds that are most likely old/improperly stored. I have started a second round of germination and this time including a splash of Hydrogen Peroxide and the results are like night and day. I guess these old guys needed a little kick to get going. Hoping to some decent seedlings by the end of the week. If I can't get them to sprout properly by the end of the month I will bite the bullet and order some seed bank seeds with a germination guarantee. BUT... I really have high hopes for this new batch done with Peroxide! Also... I have been MUCH more conscious about washing my hands and wearing gloves because I am a cigarette smoker and read the nicotine on my fingers is like rat poison to a freshly cracked seed! I'm going to keep on trying though. I definitely didn't foresee germination being this difficult but... what can you do? Try try again

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You have done som to the PM because and I cant send you anymore it says like you have blocked incoming PM

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights
You have done som to the PM because and I cant send you anymore it says like you have blocked incoming PM

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights

Well before for some reason it was letting me send messages on the app (not the site) without the 50 post count. They must have changed it. But I'll be at 50 in no time .

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I like the idea of using gloves to handle seeds. Even oils from our fingers can damage a seed. Cig reminisce I imagine would be horrible! I'll be around to see when these new babies pop!

Off topic question here, has cannabis made you slow down cigarettes? 2 years after finding out the joys of cannabis, cigarettes no longer satisfy me. Another reason this plant is fantastic.

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I like the idea of using gloves to handle seeds. Even oils from our fingers can damage a seed. Cig reminisce I imagine would be horrible! I'll be around to see when these new babies pop!

Off topic question here, has cannabis made you slow down cigarettes? 2 years after finding out the joys of cannabis, cigarettes no longer satisfy me. Another reason this plant is fantastic..

Sent from my SM-G920V using 420 Magazine Mobile App

Me too ...

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights
I can say that so far I have 4 healthy sprouts! :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: I will be taking pictures when the sun... the real sun comes up. Right now I am still keeping them under cfls 24 hours a a day. I just woke up early because I woke up several times to the same bad dream, got sick of it, and so just woke up at 4:30am! (Four years clean and I still get 'I am being chased by police/arrested/etc dreams!) BUT waking up to FOUR little baby marijuana plants poking their heads out is enough to make me jump for joy!

I like the idea of using gloves to handle seeds. Even oils from our fingers can damage a seed. Cig reminisce I imagine would be horrible! I'll be around to see when these new babies pop!

I can most definitely say that the H202 coupled with my new hand sanitation practices truly saved my old beans! I guess before I thought it silly that I had to wash my hands/sanitize something before going in the DIRT. I was obviously very wrong!

I also have been immersing myself in the practices of H202 in the garden. From germination to root rot Hydrogen Peroxide is like a garden miracle worker!

Why everyone should use hydrogen peroxide everyday!

Still... I am one of those people that are not just satisfied to have something work.... I want to know WHY!? Not much material around as to WHY it is that H202 seems to have such an amazing effect on germination. I now have a splash in all my water but we are talking about very minimal amounts. The stuff you buy at the store is already down to 3%. Ultimately it was this kid's middle school science project that made me choose to use it... There are many youtube growers who have suggested it but this kid really showed it in practice... pretty amazing... and yes I know mustard seed isn't cannabis seeds but... it was worth a shot because i was getting such shit results.


Off topic question here, has cannabis made you slow down cigarettes? 2 years after finding out the joys of cannabis, cigarettes no longer satisfy me. Another reason this plant is fantastic.

When I quit the heroin and hard drugs... my cigarette smoking took off. Its like... my last vice. I don't use drugs or drink... (marijuana is not a drug like the others in my opinion) but I think I hold on to the cigarettes because I can. I have even managed to vegetarian and now vegan but can't quit smoking CIGARETTES.

My grow closet is in the room I hang out in most apart from my living room because it has my desk and my sewing machine. So that means I will definitely cut back smoking as I won't chance the smoke around my new babies!

SO HAPPY about my sprouts! :cheertwo: Can't wait to take some good pics later today :)

PS Nova... I like your dog! This is mine...

I can say that so far I have 4 healthy sprouts! :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley: I will be taking pictures when the sun... the real sun comes up. Right now I am still keeping them under cfls 24 hours a a day. I just woke up early because I woke up several times to the same bad dream, got sick of it, and so just woke up at 4:30am! (Four years clean and I still get 'I am being chased by police/arrested/etc dreams!) BUT waking up to FOUR little baby marijuana plants poking their heads out is enough to make me jump for joy!

I can most definitely say that the H202 coupled with my new hand sanitation practices truly saved my old beans! I guess before I thought it silly that I had to wash my hands/sanitize something before going in the DIRT. I was obviously very wrong!

I also have been immersing myself in the practices of H202 in the garden. From germination to root rot Hydrogen Peroxide is like a garden miracle worker!

Why everyone should use hydrogen peroxide everyday!

Still... I am one of those people that are not just satisfied to have something work.... I want to know WHY!? Not much material around as to WHY it is that H202 seems to have such an amazing effect on germination. I now have a splash in all my water but we are talking about very minimal amounts. The stuff you buy at the store is already down to 3%. Ultimately it was this kid's middle school science project that made me choose to use it... There are many youtube growers who have suggested it but this kid really showed it in practice... pretty amazing... and yes I know mustard seed isn't cannabis seeds but... it was worth a shot because i was getting such shit results.


When I quit the heroin and hard drugs... my cigarette smoking took off. Its like... my last vice. I don't use drugs or drink... (marijuana is not a drug like the others in my opinion) but I think I hold on to the cigarettes because I can. I have even managed to vegetarian and now vegan but can't quit smoking CIGARETTES.

My grow closet is in the room I hang out in most apart from my living room because it has my desk and my sewing machine. So that means I will definitely cut back smoking as I won't chance the smoke around my new babies!

SO HAPPY about my sprouts! :cheertwo: Can't wait to take some good pics later today :)

PS Nova... I like your dog! This is mine...


Mother of 4 in one night...imagine whats gonna happen in few days.You better make space in the balcony .....Cant wait for photos.These days here will be "hot" for this period.(I guess we have some same sleep probs.I just keep on standing up in 6 exaaaactly,cant do nothing about that just stand up and smoke a fatty hahahaha)

..."Whoever sad best things in life are free...obviosly grew their own bud."...
Please help with lights
Kitty's First Grow Spring 2017 - LED & CFL & Sun

Okay so... it's been a rough start no doubt but I have finally found a germination process that works for me and my less than magic beans. I also had a surprise sprout from the peat pellets I put scarified seeds in and she is probably the strongest of the bunch. My process is now soaking seeds for 24 hours in tap water (sat out for 24+) with a capful or two of Hydrogen Peroxide per liter. Any seed that shows its tap roots goes straight in soil mix which is biobizz all mix with a lot of extra perlite and some peat and coco coir from my pellets that are just not working for me (save for the one). I had two seeds sprout in the coco coir pellets but they just weren't taking to them like the soil babies so I transferred them to soil. So now I have 2 decent sprouts in soil and two very small sprouts in soil...


and one little peat pellet who is the 'tortoise' of the group appearing older and stronger than her sisters and in all likelyhood she is... she must of been building a root system for a week before showing her head...

I have her under her own little desk cfl in in a reflective little can... she is special!


I have my grow closet cleaned out and ready but very very bare... will be moving the larger 3 seedlings over there once they are ready for the LED....

So all in all it's been a slow start but a start but at least it's a start! Really glad I got some sprouts started because I was getting worried there. Before my discovery of the garden miracle that is H202 I even went and ordered just a few plain old white widow feminized seeds JUST in case my seeds were actually completely bunk.

I am not at my computer right now but the guy who gifted me the seeds sent me his bonafide planting instructions WITH photos and I kid you not it's him putting about 100 seeds in a glass of water overnight and then putting ALL OF THE SEEDS in one big asss bucket and throwing dirt on top of them!!!!! I have to put a link up... gotta love the dude ... just a very different practice... I still have seeds germinating and two germinated seeds that should poke their heads out tomorrow. Starting to get the swing of things.

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