Kayaking and the Art of Autoflower Maintenance

Autoflowering Cannabis is quite sensitive in regards to nutrients and heat.

Kayaking is a way to tell if your plant is on the tipping point of nute- or heat-burn before it happens.

When the leaflets fold up like the bottom of a Kayak.


This thread is for discussing Nutrient philosophies and swapping Ideas.

When I grew an Auto-Mazar,

She was in an enriched soilless mix from the indoor gardening shop.

She went 7 Weeks with only water and superthrive.

I gave her the first feed after this.


Then it was too much! See the Kayaking?


I used a combination of

cheap Organic nutes


and Synthetic 8-8-8 with micro nutes.


(Alternate feeding, light dosage, Feed-water-feed-water-feed-water-etc..)

I relied on my feelings, rather than the labels they gave me.

As a flowering booster I used Bloombastic.

My Lighting was 18/6.

Every watering had superthrive in it until the Freak appeared.

But that's another story...

I would also like to introduce a term sir Rico.


This is the same shape as the leaves when you flush an Auto. They seem to be very sensitie to overwatering and with y first Auto after a flush her leaves looks very similar to the watersportsmen going over a waterfall:

This exapmle was able to recover but untold yield may have been lost. After all, a week of sick with an wuot means a weeks less buds.

To resolve this im adding more perlite to my medium to allow better drainage. This should reduce Waterfalling and increase the o2 at the roots.
:ciao: 420Girl. :bigblush: I :love: You :hug::thanks::Namaste:

Rico reasons that having the Messiah, which was an annual tradition from the early 1950s through the 1990s, coincide with the Christmas celebration would have been a logical step.

"But with only a short season in which to prepare, an August date for the harvest would have been more reasonable, and this may have been a factor in the July-to- August switch."

Semour S. Spim, the author who wrote the article "Kayaks Come Twice A Year" and "Art of Spim" : noted that the Christmas celebrations “began to take on a more serious and formal aspect” with the arrival of 420Girl

Christmas in August (Yellowstone) - Wikipedia :xmas:
1)Predictability.2)Potency. 3)Yield. 4)Ease of Growth. I assume we all rank these and many others differently. For me, having an idea of what to expect is important. Id like data on 5gal vs 3gal vs 2gal, etc. This would make it very nice for stealth growers. Maybe strain A yields great but only in 5 gal. In 2gal it sucks. But maybe Strain B, that will never yield like A, is more potent and yields just as much in 2 gal.
The test of the Autoflower is the satisfaction it gives you.


There isn't any other test.

If the strain produces...


.... tranquillity,.....


.....it's right.......


If it disturbs


it's wrong








Great Kayak journal, I see no metric numbers in your journal. I think you could help with translating, this must be some code those Border crossing Metric using, crown wannabe's, are using. Saw this at 3:00 in Alex801 journal "the one about the Geordie street hoods and nazi political hoods" Is this comedy? I laughed anyway.Then as I scrolled down, I saw this "NOT GEORDIES lol. ya divent narz" these quotes are like looking at metric numbers with no chart posted for US citizens.
1)Predictability.2)Potency. 3)Yield. 4)Ease of Growth. I assume we all rank these and many others differently. For me, having an idea of what to expect is important. Id like data on 5gal vs 3gal vs 2gal, etc. This would make it very nice for stealth growers. Maybe strain A yields great but only in 5 gal. In 2gal it sucks. But maybe Strain B, that will never yield like A, is more potent and yields just as much in 2 gal.
Nice thread Rico, I just learned about Kayaking & Waterfalling today!

I should have read page 1 first, but I tend to jump in on last pages sometimes (dumbass, trich)

I just got 2 femseeds, I have never grown or seen them before this week.

Any tips on sprouting, aside from what I've read so far? :thanks:

Green Crack & Herojuana coming to a journal near you soon!:high-five:
wow, green crack seed sprouted in 48 hours, almost 1.5 cm! Gotta do more reading about baby girls and SID Syndrome , :nomo:

I dropped her in a 1" rockwool cube, with special seedling nutes that I got from a friend, he is very good human.:high-five:

Dres is right, this thread is HILARIOUS!!:circle-of-love:
Hey Guys!

I remember seeing this thread a little while back when I first joined and I noticed something with my plant that sort of made me think of this.. It originally started when I first got a few sets of leaves, but every once in a while, one would curl inward, never die, always stayed with the plant. I'm on day 59, still have plenty of time left before this thing comes down, but as I've bumped the ppms up, more and more of the leaves started doing this, but only this past week did I start seeing the first signs of a little bit of nute burn since I had gone to a twice-a-day feeding at 750-ish ppms at a pH of 5.7-6.0.. I've cut back to once a day for the last couple of days and it hasn't progressed, so I think I'm okay. I do a reservoir change tomorrow and I'm going to probably keep the ppms the same, pH the same..

After doing some reading, someone had mentioned on a different forum that this may be nitrogen abundance not not quite toxicity. This kinda makes sense to me since I'm using GH 3-part, and have been still using the Grow but I only used 10-12ml for 6gal on the last res change..

Anyway, anyone have any ideas?? Is it a pheno thing maybe??

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