Kavanagh Pushes To Outlaw Bongs

BONGS and other drug paraphernalia should be outlawed in Victoria, according to the Democratic Labor Party (DLP).

Western Victoria MP Peter Kavanagh has given State Parliament notice that he will introduce a bill to ban the sale and display of equipment used to smoke marijuana.

The DLP politician told The Standard he has spent several months drafting the legislation which is likely to be introduced to parliament next month.

"Allowing bongs to be sold and displayed in public lowers the community perception about the seriousness of marijuana prohibition," Mr Kavanagh said.

"This legislation may prevent only a limited number of people using marijuana but it will at least send the message that marijuana use is a serious offence.

"Victoria is almost alone among Australian states in not even attempting to ban the sale of bongs. The open sale and display of bongs in Victoria surely sends the wrong message."

Mr Kavanagh expected his Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Pro?hibition of Display and Sale of Bongs) Bill 2010 to receive Coalition support.

However, its passing was dependent on the Greens voting in favour. He said it was possible for a Greens "yes" vote despite the party's support for regulated use of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

"I've spoken to some Liberal MPs and they're quite supportive but Labor MP response has not been as strong," he said.

Western Victoria MP John Vogels said he had not looked at the bill but would read it and present a viewpoint before the legislation was presented next month.

NewsHawk: Ganjarden: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: The Warrnambool Standard
Copyright: 2010 Fairfax Media
"Allowing bongs to be sold and displayed in public lowers the community perception about the seriousness of marijuana prohibition," Mr Kavanagh said.

Bwahahaha... cannabis prohibition was a joke to start with. Everybody knows that it doesn't work at all, Mr. Kavanagh, and all it does is feed the pig.
This is going to be terrible for us if they pass that bill. It's a big enough struggle down here in Vic with the 'war on police'. The police are everywhere cracking down on everyone with drugs of any sort. Looks to me like Vic is heading for underground drug elimination within the next 5 - 10 years.

What's wrong with us!? The majority of the world is getting pushed to legalize MJ/MMJ, we are going in a complete backwards step with stupid political figures. This makes me angry, I can not wait to split from this un-educated sloth of a state.

Bongs are sold here for tobacco use, how can this tool Kavanagh get them outlawed? There is no talk what so ever of making tobacco illegal. Stupid stupid stupid state I live in. Sorry I vented at you guys :allgood:
(I'm of to wake and bake hard now XD.)
Venting is good, but you also need to vent in letter form to your politicians.

What happens is if you don't then he and all the other morons who support him think that you don't care and that they can intimidate and walk all over you.

What is unfair about the whole system is that by becoming elected these people get access to what they think is an unlimited supply of our tax dollars to not only implement laws, but to fight to keep as law with little or no oversight or need to show that it will or won't work.
Everything that has been tried has failed, but each new election we get a new batch of morons who think they have to legislate morality and out come the same old tried and failed strategies.
What is sad and funny at the same time is that all I hear is globalization this and globalization that, but nobody in government will ever look at what does or does not work in other parts of world unless it means that they can milk there citizenry for another nickel.
This is going to be terrible for us if they pass that bill. It's a big enough struggle down here in Vic with the 'war on police'. The police are everywhere cracking down on everyone with drugs of any sort. Looks to me like Vic is heading for underground drug elimination within the next 5 - 10 years.

What's wrong with us!? The majority of the world is getting pushed to legalize MJ/MMJ, we are going in a complete backwards step with stupid political figures. This makes me angry, I can not wait to split from this un-educated sloth of a state.

Bongs are sold here for tobacco use, how can this tool Kavanagh get them outlawed? There is no talk what so ever of making tobacco illegal. Stupid stupid stupid state I live in. Sorry I vented at you guys :allgood:
(I'm of to wake and bake hard now XD.)

venting and lashing out are the best way to get your thoughts into the "collective :goodjob: conscious"...so vent away Brother.. :roorrip:
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