Kandy Kush - CFL Grow - 1st time


New Member
Hi guys, i posted this on another site but wasnt getting any responses and as a first time grower i would like some feedback on my grow, weather im doing it wrong or right, and perhaps some tips.

Strain - Kandy kush
Lights - 2x 150 w CFL
Techniques - Topping, LST defoliation

Hi guys so as of now i am about 4 weeks into veg and every thing is looking healthy,
Earlier in the veg i tried the F.I.M cut, and ironicly i missed it haha, so now ive just gone with the topping.
Ive topped the plant 3 times ( once , and then topped both of the new growths )
So i am going for 4 main colas.

I have defoliated about twice now.

Ill post a few pics of my progress so far and then ill get down to a few details

Seedling pic

Early veg pic

Veg update

Before defoliation

Leafs i picked off

After defoliation

After defoliation
Re: Kandy Kush - CFL Grow ( 1st time )

Sorry about the pictures here they are :

Before defoliation :

Leafs picked off :

After defoliation :

After defoliation :
Re: Kandy Kush - CFL Grow ( 1st time )

I have pictures of each stage of the grow like all the details, i wont post them now but if any one is intrested in them just ask and ill post them
Re: Kandy Kush - CFL Grow ( 1st time )

Yo zac the plant looks awesome!
The training you are doing looks great too. I will offer my opinion on your defoliation. I would not have removed those sun leaves. The big fan leaves is where the plant gets most of its energy from. You basically just reduced the amount of energy the plant can absorb and put into itself. You will find many differing opinions on this topic. I use defol to promote good air flow other than that if light can hit a leaf I leave it.
You will find that the plant will fill back in pretty quickly only because it needs to capture more light to support the new growth at the tops. I suggest to go way easier on the defoliation. Another trick to expose the tops to light is to bend the fan leaves aside at their stem.
Re: Kandy Kush - CFL Grow ( 1st time )

I never remove a healthy leaf, and have fat, full plants with dense buds

however I've ready as many contradictory accounts as I have supporting, so it's a bit of a hotly contested topic
Re: Kandy Kush - CFL Grow ( 1st time )

Thanks guys for the feed back (': , Yeahh ive read up allot of defoliation and there seems to be allot of people for and against it, As a knew grower it can be quite scary to remove allot of the leaves haha, But i feel that removing a few fan leaves allows light to penetrate lower sections of the plant which would not other wise get light,

Just a quick question, How much longer do you think i should leave it before flipping to 12/12?

space isnt really an issue however i cant be doing with lets say a 5-6 foot monster haha

And also, ive been keeping an eye out for any signs of gender, and there has been a few signs that im not sure what they are, pre flowers or just new growth ?

This is just where i topped the plant

does this new growth look like perhaps the F.I.Ming thing ?

Does this look like a preflower?

its just a little way up the Stalk?
Re: Kandy Kush - CFL Grow ( 1st time )

Those are just stipules and appear on both sexes.

That weird top is probably the result of fimming but just let it go and it will probably correct itself into a nice top. Since you defoliated pretty heavily you will want to wait until the plant gets back into vigorous growth as you probably stressed it a bit. When flipping to 12/12 you do not want any extra stress. I'd wait at least a week for the 12/12. Others may have a different opinion too.
Thanks for the reply bro, i did read it at the time, I replied mentally i just forgot to actualy reply, and i did wait an extra 11 days until finally giving in to temptation and on the 21st i flipped to 12/12 light schedule. So in total i vegged for about 5 weeks. its been 3 days since i flipped 12/12, and still no sign of gender, but the plant is looks really healthy now just fingers crossed for a female


Thanks man, i feel quite exited to too see the stretch, ive been reading up on some other kandy kush grow journal and he said that his kandy kush tripled in size since he flipped to 12/12! It is all very exiting but i am anxious about the plant being a male :\, but i suppose if it is a male, i have gained a fair amount of experience, and i will be looking to get feminized seeds next time, so i guess there can be a positive
you don't want to be vegging more then 3 weeks with CFLs, best to keep them smaller to allow better penetration of light in order to compensate for their deficiency in that area :)
before i start i have wrote more than i thought i would as i kept adding things so it might be abit jumbled up haha,
Just to get to the point,
6 days into flowering
no sign of sex
Contemplating doing a scrog setup,
Removed the bottom 2 sets of nodes for clones

, Basicly im 6 days into the 12/12 cycle and ive been thinking about doing a scrog setup? is it perhaps to late to be starting this? i think it would be ideal to as vertical height there is a limit and also ive read it will really make the most of the light i have, not to mention really boost yield.

I ll throw in a couple of pictures, i have really been growing the plant out more horizontal so i think that it wouldnt be an issue as ive already been doing lst, but being a noobie im not 100% Could really use any advice on the scroging subject,

Just to add - No signs of sex yet and also as far as i can notice not a great deal of stretching happening so far if that is a factor in scrogging

Also my plant did have 4 nodes but i decided to cut the bottom two of and attempt clones as i they wasnt looking as healthy as the top two nodes, I belive this is called lollypopping?

As far as cloning went, i did use a root growth cutting mixture, i took about 6 clones and wacked them in a propagator in with my flowering plant,

Also not sure if cutting the two bottem nodes was such a good idea as im in the 12/12 cycle, but i really didnt think theyld come to anything? will this stress the plant ? or effect anything?






Thanks sabo for the feedback (': means allot, and about the long veg time and lights, that made me think about the scrog technique and also i have been defoliating and LST to try and maximize light penetration (':
No problem Zac,

You could Scrog the plant, but make sure it's a female before you do all the work or you could just let her go and do another Defol in about 3-4 weeks. She's real clean right now and is getting some great light, if you Scrog here she'll get bushier and your CFLs might not have the power to penetrate.
I've been considering Kandy Kush or a derivitive for my next run - I'll be watching. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I run about 130 watts of CFL over each of my plants when I veg, about 2 inches above the canopy, and I top or LST them and grow 'em up to 12-16 inches before the flip. In my experience, most strains only double in height if you train for multiple tops. I typically have a dozen or more tops.

Nice start!
Hi guys this is the first day since ive noticed these, there dosent appear to be any pistals buy they also dont appear to be the "balls on sticks",



:'( i have some VERY UPSETTING NEWS, Im 99% sure its a male, today i saw all these what seems to be male preflowers, i mean im gonna let it grow a day or two to be certain but yeah it seems that its a male :| You can see all around the nodes all these clusters of balls

First time grower so thanks for the positive feed back means i was doing something right haha

Im now looking at buying feminized seeds, So any recommendations on strains would be great?
I heard that sensi seed banks a good one and ive been looking at the PPP "pure power plant strain" Heard big yielder
I mean i would of gone kandy kush feminized or afgan kush feminized but i want to get from a good seed bank so theres no problems
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