just to say hello like

colnel cropster

New Member
just saying howdydiddleydoodey peeps :smokin: a mate of mine pointed me towards this site and here i am.....not much to know about me....i loves me weed,i loves growing weed and i will fight always to free the weed :peace:

so,see yas about peeps. :grinjoint:

and stay :icon_cool

aboard bro,

glad you have the time to browse around and help out a bit in the grow forums, look'n forward to your threads and replys in there as well

thanx again for slidin over to 420times and help'n out :biggrin:

cheers all :grinjoint: ,
well maybe you guys can help,i have pm'ed hash about it but im in the uk and the time may differ and me thinks hes tucked up in bed at the mo so,,,,,,,

i am having probs posting pics.....i can attatch one to a poast but semm to be having probs posting in the photo forum undwer the catagory plants....i uploaded a couple of pics there yesterday and it said a mod will review it first but i still cant see them :icon_roll its most probably my dumb ass :icon_roll

any help would be great.....

all the best :peace:

cheers :smokin: and as said above,the other side of the pond :icon_cool

oh ya...false alarm on the pic probs......the pics are there now.....said it would be my fault :icon_roll

once again

cheers :peace:

alls fine and danddy mate :smokin:

ok so i am still having some probs with posting pics and its driving me bonkers :eek:

i have found the pics i posted in the photo in the photo forum unders plants but the prob i am having now is inserting a pic into my post??

i am useing the and puting the link in to the pic but instead of it showing up as a pic in my post its showing as a link?????

i have tried everything,so any help would be great :grinjoint:

heres that post what im going onabout....youll see the link and not a pic...

all the best :peace:
I got it to work, After uploading in the photo gallery you can copy that image location and use the
to put it in here.

You might be copying the link location and not the image location, try what MMJ suggested above,

yep it works....here's another one of your BB pics.....gotta right click and go to properties then copy the url :biggrin: let me know if you cant get it...

peace bro

ahhhhhh right i got yas...i been putting in the link location like you were saying :jerkit: sorry guys...

so if i do this :grinjoint: the abit of this :tommy: then i should end up with this?


:allgood: sorted. :tommy:

cheers lads...what a dummy huh.....thats been doing me head in for days

i think i got it now :smokin: :peace:
greetings and salutations from all of us here @ 420times! :goof:

OMG if i was the proud owner of those plants I don't think anything could make me unhappy....
Well... anything but the police knocking on my door...
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