Just harvested a plant covered in powdery mildew


New Member
So I just harvested a super silver haze auto that is covered in powdery mildew I couldnt get it to go away while it was growing. Id love to hear some suggestions on the best thing to do with bud that is covered in PM? Such as make hash or oil or cannabutter just want to know what the best thing would be to do with it because it would suck to just have to throw away. Iv never had a PM issue before so I never really thought about it, but I figure someone in the 420 community has had this happen before so Id just like to hear what you did or what people think I should do. Thanks all, good day!
What's up guys. Just dealt with PM for the first time in my indoor garden this season. Though I was able to treat the problem well before harvest, I still was 'iffy' about the cleanliness of the buds for consumption.

I personally recommend you have a read through the Bud Washing Thread if you have not stumbled upon it already. There is definitely a solution to your problem.
thanks african grower ill check it out. and to the other 2 responses i dont know what bho or x2 means? havnt read it yet but if the bud washing is a hard and or lengthy process im not sure if it would even be worth it since it was an auto grown waaay to late in the year so i only ended up with 8Gs. I have a ton of sugar leafs and small popcorn bud that I plan to either make hash or cannabutter with so I wasnt sure if maybe one of those processes would kill the mildew while being turned into something else ya know what im saying because if so Id just add it to the sugar leafs. what do you all think would be my best plan of attack? deff dont want to ruin my sugar leafs and stuff with mildew unless it doesnt end up mattering because itll die once its turned to hash or butter. hope that wasnt to confusing sometimes I have a hard time trying to get my point across in words so bare with me please. appreciate the responses thanks all!
What's up Marley, I understand what you are trying to say, I'm pretty stoned myself :laughtwo:

Unfortunately I am not sure if simply cooking it into butter or straining it through bubble bags will remove the ACTUAL SPORES of the PM.

What I can assure you is that the 'bud washing' process is a practice you should get into sooner than later. I personally thought it wasn't for me since I never had PM problems when I was first introduced to it. But I can say that it heightens the smell, look, and overall quality of buds, REGARDLESS :yahoo:

Give it a read through, I can guarantee you will learn something new; even be convinced to wash any harvest in your future no matter the yield!
I WOULD NOT. ingest anything into my lungs spore related!!!!
possibly, in the process of Decarbing the spores would ALL die?? then do the BHO method.
hmmm big maybe to me as to cannabutter... not hot enough for me to feel sure.
I have Butane Honey Oil extracted the THC from mold laden bud & feel the extreme cold is a good fix.

QUOTE=listen2marley;2294725]So I just harvested a super silver haze auto that is covered in powdery mildew I couldnt get it to go away while it was growing. Id love to hear some suggestions on the best thing to do with bud that is covered in PM? Such as make hash or oil or cannabutter just want to know what the best thing would be to do with it because it would suck to just have to throw away. Iv never had a PM issue before so I never really thought about it, but I figure someone in the 420 community has had this happen before so Id just like to hear what you did or what people think I should do. Thanks all, good day![/QUOTE]
x2 means 'times two' or 'me too' or 'I have the same problem/question'.
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