Just Another RDWC Blue Dream Auto


Well-Known Member
Good evening, one and all!

It has been a good while since I've found myself with enough time to actually get another run setup for my 4x4 tent. I did make some significant changes, as well. Turning the system from 4xDWC buckets to a single RDWC, I hope to cut down on the overhead needed for a hydro grow. After my last run with a single DWC under a 150w LED, I decided it was time to move back into the bigger setup with the knowledge I had acquired from the last successful harvest.

While not much, just over 4oz dryed, cured, and trimmed, the last grow taught me a valuable lesson in patience. Like so so so many others, I want my girls to grow YESTERDAY, dang it. :lot-o-toke: But that is not the case, especially with autos on their own timeline. So instead of going crazy with trying to FIM and recover, then FIM and recover, then super heavy defoliations and more recovery, this run will be nothing more than LST for all of the plants, letting them push through the periods that I snipped them last time.

With winter kicking the door in where I live, I'm hoping that the decrease in ambient temperature will be beneficial in not needing to run the air conditioner, which will also help the humidifiers in their job.

With (hopefully) most of the important bases covered, here's to hoping to a bountiful harvest! :ganjamon:

Setup is currently as follows -
- 4x4 BudBox Pro White tent
- 640w (from the wall, dimmable) LED full spectrum light
- 5 gallon reservoirs for each plant, connected with 1 inch line to connect each 5 gallon to each other, as well as the 17 gallon main reservoir.
- A 66gph submersible pump to gently circulate the water throughout the system. I'm hoping that a pump this small will push and pull gently enough that I dont have to worry extensively about roots twisting around on themselves, or clogging the plumbing.
- I moved up in the world to one of the metal air pumps that moves a TON more air than the plastic models.
- 6 inch netpots
- 1/4inch air line run to each 5g res.
- Base Nutrients will be from the CX Horticulture line again, I want a full run with these nutes, without over stressing the plants to see how capable it is before venturing into other brands that seem to be more popular.
- CalMag and Silica will be added from GH, since I had zero issues with using RO water last run.
- Additional CO2 will be delivered with an exhale bag that will be prepped the day that the seeds are transplanted into the netpots.
- Air is circulated out of the tent with a 6 inch Vortex inline fan.
- Depending on temps, I also have an air conditioner to cool things off.
- 2 smaller humidifiers that if not enough, will be scrapped for the larger one I have that will be run from a humidity monitor/controller.


Currently working through the setup and finding all the leaks before I pop some beans. Find leak, drain water, add caulking, let dry, add water, repeat. Tedious....


I decided to keep the reservoir away from the tent to help with heat from the light as much as possible. The added distance in the lines hasn't had a pronounced negative effect on anything yet, so I will keep it where it lies.
great start of a journal jagotf. Can i call you jag instead? i'll tag along and watch :thumb:
where i am is winter as well and although the temps been easy to deal with, humidity wasn't. Its a good thing you've got couple humidifiers. just don't put it close to the plants. As long as the humidity in the tent is on point, you should be good.
This is nice. I’m looking into switching from coco to hydro and I wanted to find a RDWC setup that was easy. Thanks for the info and happy growing.
you should read @the phantoms old journal where he setup his rdwc
i can't find the journal but im sure he can post it for you here
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