June 25, 2008 - Protest London (England)


New Member
Please join us in London and let's fight for those who are in so much pain and discomfort, they are unable to join us. We need carers, disabled people, MS sufferers. Even people who use cannabis in order to sleep or even to relieve stress!

All medicinal users please come and join us. Recreational users are more than welcome.

The medicinal cannabis protest, has the aim to get the government to change the cannabis laws in the UK, so medicinal cannabis users have the right to use cannabis without the fear of prosecution.

We need numbers, no numbers means, no change in law. We are so used to just sitting on our asses just hoping the law will change. It won't change unless we make our government listen!

All of us are fed up with paying £40-60 a week just to control our pain and other medical conditions suffered.

Now the UK laws have changed, we can face up to 5 years in prison just for having cannabis for personal use.

Imagine if you didn't have any cannabis: how you be feeling right now? If you even use cannabis to keep you calm, then that means you are using cannabis for medicinal reasons. We need you too.

We will be meeting up at parliament square at 11am. That is where we will await Gordon Brown's arrival to parliament. The PM will have to drive right past us to gain access to parliament as he has to be there by 12 noon for question time. This is why the protest is being held on a Wednesday.

thanks for the info johnny .. i,ll try and get there .. need to sort out transport tho .. are there any other brits on this site who could possibly help me out ... need to hitch a lift from manchester.. i,ll contribute to fuel cost,s ... and i,ll be well fueled up for it myself ..
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