July 4th- Independence Day or is it July 1st?

Good morning all,
I started to think about the 4th of July and what it means to me personally. Yes it is a great day in American history but in the grand scope of things, I personally never experienced having to live under King George unless you count King GW Bush, but thats a whole other rant Much like Lincoln freeing of the slaves, while I totally agree with what he did, I personally never owned a slave nor do I wish to, so it really does not have much personal meaning for me.

So what is there for me personally to be thankful for and to consider MY Independence Day. Well for me, it was July 1st of 2015. That is Independences Day. That was the official day that Oregon went recreational legal for MJ. Now that is something I can say personally effected my life.

Sure you could say that the signing of the declaration of independence has had an impact on my life since I do not have to live under the control of England, but that is like saying I should be thankful for the invention of the wheel one day of the year because it has made my life so easy. My whole life I have had the wheel available for me to use so I know no different, same with independence from England, but I do know the fear of going to prison for growing, smoking and processing MJ and now at least for a few of us, those days are gone.

For me, right now, this very instance is much like the years and months before July 4th 1776 when a few states were out of the grasps of England and king George, and were already enjoying the life that was soon to become what we know it is today, an independent America.

One day, hopefully sooner then later, we will all have the same freedoms to grow and consume MJ when they put an end to this crazy War On Drugs and on that day, we can truly have an Independence Smok-a-thon where everyone can participate and enjoy the celebration.
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