Jon's Experimental Single Sour Apple Autoflower Indoor/Outdoor Sunlight/LED Soil Grow

Holy S*#t Jon.. another majestic specimen.. brilliant mate.. However…apologies in advance for perhaps lowering the tone a little on your fine journal..
I sure wouldn’t want it for a nose,
Jon but,….gawd dang! would I love it as a cock…:)
Peace an buds matey:)
:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
What, your cock ain't that big? Sorry man. Must be rough.
:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:
What, your cock ain't that big? Sorry man. Must be rough.
Thank god you have a sense of humour . I posted that, and then tried to pull it back out of cyberspace using only my mind.. didn’t work;)
A smile a day has gotta keep something away:)
And Jon.. on the big c**k .. it doesn’t even matter.. I never come away feeling disappointed or unfulfilled;)
Thank god you have a sense of humour . I posted that, and then tried to pull it back out of cyberspace using only my mind.. didn’t work;)
A smile a day has gotta keep something away:)
And Jon.. on the big c**k .. it doesn’t even matter.. I never come away feeling disappointed or unfulfilled;)
Me neither, who cares what the girl thinks?

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

Yeah Bud love, you gotta' have a sense of humor in this business, right? Lol. Regarding the Sour Apple, I'll post a picture when I chop her with a stack of Coke cans next to her for scale. You won't believe this picture, I'm so excited to take it at the right time, LMAO. This bud is literally as big around as a Coke can top to bottom. Even porn stars wish they had a cock as big as this plant. I'm curious to see if she grows any more if it's like five more days before I get to the level of amber I'm looking for. From those trichome shots, I have days to go yet, yes?

Me neither, who cares what the girl thinks?

:laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

Yeah Bud love, you gotta' have a sense of humor in this business, right? Lol. Regarding the Sour Apple, I'll post a picture when I chop her with a stack of Coke cans next to her for scale. You won't believe this picture, I'm so excited to take it at the right time, LMAO. This bud is literally as big around as a Coke can top to bottom. Even porn stars wish they had a cock as big as this plant. I'm curious to see if she grows any more if it's like five more days before I get to the level of amber I'm looking for. From those trichome shots, I have days to go yet, yes?

Well sir… I can only say … if only..As I’m afraid that in reality my good wife makes me work very, very hard for my fulfilment;)
Sue Anne Update
Let's Add ONE MORE Experiment, what the hell?
Day 72 (from breaking dirt)/Day 76 (from seed popping)

I have been reading up on the concept of blue light treatment at the very end of budding to increase terpenes, smells, and colors. From what I've been able to gather, many growers will finish out their buds with a dramatic increase in blue light, which seems totally counterintuitive. It can't HURT the bud. It may HELP the bud improve. That's a way oversimplified summary of my understanding but enough to convey the idea if you never heard of this. So, since I have, by my estimation based on today's trichomes, at least three more days, maybe up to five, before harvest, I have decided to give this a shot. We switched the blurples from both red to both blue. I don't even use the all blue to veg, as some do. Never used this setting exclusively, lol, and it's kind of attractive. Ha. So as her final experiment of this highly experimental (or willy nilly, all over the place, chaotic, if you prefer...) grow, Sue Anne is going to finish out blue. We'll see what happens, if anything noticeable at all. But I figure with around three or four days of exclusively blue light and then 36 hours of darkness, not to mention that we're letting her get DRY AS A BONE, I have done just about all I can to try and bring out the best in this girl. Never been so curious to see how a plant turns out when it's completely finished. My first Apple strain. Hopefully between the blue, the dark, and the dry we'll get us a nice end shower and release of terpenes the world has never seen. LMAO!!! Even if it does nothing it ain't as if she's all that shabby right now.

So here's a couple pics showing her in blue and showing her final blue environment, where you can see the pains I have gone through with shielding to be able to maintain the appropriate environment for our auto station. That cardboard, believe or not, is "tuned." I had to keep adding and subtracting and repositioning those cardboard pieces until I found a good balance point between the AC staying in and releasing the heat from the lights. Took a couple days to dial it in. I laughed my ass off at myself the entire time as one feels kind of silly doing this particular thing. Lol. In the pic of the rig, you see a little pink/purple from the lower two UFO full spectrum panels and all blue from the 586 watts worth of blurples she's under. In person it looks WAY bluer than this photo conveys.

I think it's safe to say we're done with the experiments now.

Sue Anne in Blue.jpg

Sue Anne Final Conditions Picture.jpg
Sue Anne Pre Harvest Day!
Final Trichome Check
Final Pictures before 36 hours of darkness

Alright, it's time. Sue Anne is ready to harvest to my eyes. There are several pretty sub-par trichome shots below. This is about the amount of amber I'm going for, ie, not much. But it's consistently all over the bud everywhere. That, to me, is when she's ready. Anyone can find an amber trichome SOMEWHERE as soon as they begin to milk up. In my humble opinion it's important to wait until the amber level you want is present in not just one little patch but all over your bud. Just me. There are also her final pictures before the chop. Next time you see Sue Anne she'll be hanging upside down looking like an alien spaceship.

So now it's pretty simple.

1. Place Sue Anne in a dark closet in the house for 36 hours. The temperature will be around 76 and the humidity will be around 60% for those 36 hours, not that it matters.
2. Wednesday morning, after the 36 hours, chop her at the base. That will be day 75 from breaking dirt and day 79 from the seed popping in the paper towels.
3. Cutting barely anything if nothing off this plant, hang her upside down in the dedicated drying dark closet at the same environmental conditions mentioned in #1 - typical air conditioned house conditions.
4. PAINFULLY WAIT :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo:

As Mr. Petty said, the waiting is the hardest part. And since this plant made just the huge cola and two decent side buds, there ARE no test buds to try, even if I wanted to, which I do. Lol. So I REALLY have to wait this girl out. Ack. She's beautiful. COVERED with trichomes everywhere. Stinky ass plant. Sour fruit and dankness odors. She's heavy too, so I hope when she's dry she turns out to be as dense as I *think* she's gonna be. Sure as hell feels rock hard. VERY curious to see what her final yield is. I'm gonna guess two ounces to be on the safe side but she feels heavier than that to me. But I'd be pretty happy with basically a two ounce gigantic bud off an auto that was painfully easy to grow. Obviously I want it to be more, but since I always err on OVER estimating my own yields, I'm gonna take the under this time and go two ounces. Lol.

It is done. Sue Anne is lounging in a very dark, cool closet. And there she will sit for a day and a half. Wednesday we'll chop her. Since I just did it and it's around 10 pm, she'll actually get more like 38 hours of dark. Lol. Those two extra hours are gonna make all the difference. :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:

Here are the final bud porn pictures of the journal while Sue Anne is still in the ground:

- Sue Anne in normal house light perspective shot
- Closer
- Top of cola
- Tip of cola
- Several trichome shots showing trichomes at time of switch to darkness

Pretty successful grow for the most part. Just a little bit more to not screw up. Lmao.

final perspective shot August 2.jpg

final shot sue anne august 2.jpg

final cola top shot August 2.jpg

final top shot before chop August 2.jpg

trichome 1 August 2.jpg

trichome 2 August 2.jpg

trichome 3 August 2.jpg

trichome 4 August 2.jpg

trichome 5 August 2.jpg

trichome 6 August 2.jpg
Sue Anne Harvest Update
Day 74 from breaking soil/78 from seed initially popping

The best laid plans......

There is one factor I control the best I can but ultimately I have little to no control over. That would be the response of the roommates to various things. For example, this morning they did not appreciate that the entire kitchen smells like the plant that was in the dark in a closed closet in the guest room on the other end of the house. Apparently the smell of complete, sweet dankness wasn't doing it for them. :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:

So I had to chop her this morning. Just now actually. It is done. She is hanging to dry. Our attempt at a 36 hours of darkness became more like 12 hours, but hey, worse things could happen. One chop, ten seconds of trimming a tiny bit of junk off, and a hang. The harvest took me less than five minutes. Literally. Lmao. I guess there are hidden advantages to harvesting a plant that is basically one bud. It was beautiful.

So not much else to say. I won't do "drying updates," cuz what's the point? So next reporting will be when she's dried and I have her trimmed up to go into the jars. I'll show before and after trim pics then, hopefully in eight to ten days, but I doubt she'll take that long. I think she will be more like five. But we'll see.

Growing this plant was sheer pleasure. Super fun. Wonderful autoflower. Anyway, hang in there if you want and when she's ready I'll post the trim and final yield pics and all that good stuff. She's gonna be real pretty.

Thanks for following the journal guys.


Here is the final picture of Sue Anne before she begins to shrink.

Chopped and drying!.jpg
Can't wait until I can grow something like that Jon! Can't decide if your roomies are cool for letting you grow at all or a PITA lol!
Thanks man but trust me it ain't all that. You wanna see some real autos check out some of the grows of autos from a few of the folks you see sometimes responding to me on here. Some of these guys have grown what I would consider a REAL trophy plant. This one I'm VERY happy with, don't get me wrong, but hell, she did all the work and I just got lucky. Lol. But thanks!
Thanks man but trust me it ain't all that. You wanna see some real autos check out some of the grows of autos from a few of the folks you see sometimes responding to me on here. Some of these guys have grown what I would consider a REAL trophy plant. This one I'm VERY happy with, don't get me wrong, but hell, she did all the work and I just got lucky. Lol. But thanks!
I'm not talking about yield, I'd like to get one to harvest that isn't half dead!
Sue Anne Drying Update
Very Cool Space Filler Post During Drying Time, Lol

Just kidding. There's nothing to update. She's drying. Slowly. Lost surprisingly little weight in the first two days which is a bit surprising. Hope that means a real slow dry. Seems like it.

The real reason for this post is because I wanted to share something that is both related and unrelated, but I think you guys will dig a lot. I sure do.

I treated myself to my first Fracture. I don't want to promote them, so if you don't know what a Fracture is please google it or look it up. Anyway, I never tried them and wanted to check it out. So I sent my favorite trichome picture from Sue Anne (this would be the "related to the journal" part, lol) to them and chose the second smallest size picture they make just to check it out.

IT IS BADASS. What you're seeing in the picture is the Fracture, and it's basically a photo on glass. In this case I chose the brushed glass option. Check it out:

That looks cool Jon. Do you use a stand to get the trich pics? My hands aren't that steady, but I can't figure out how to easily use a stand to take the pics either.

The trichs on my fried plant nearing harvest don't even have discernible stalks. I'm not certain the plant is still alive, although I think it still is barely hanging on. I'm hoping that 36 hrs of darkness will miraculously do something good lol.

You've talked about how dank they get while in darkness. I'm planning on sticking them in one of the bathroom closets, do you think I need to remove all the clothes hanging in there as well? I don't really have a good place to move them too but I can't have stuff I wear reeking of ganja.

My other option would be to put a carbon filter/fan combo in there with them. Let me know your thoughts, thank you!
That looks cool Jon. Do you use a stand to get the trich pics? My hands aren't that steady, but I can't figure out how to easily use a stand to take the pics either.

The trichs on my fried plant nearing harvest don't even have discernible stalks. I'm not certain the plant is still alive, although I think it still is barely hanging on. I'm hoping that 36 hrs of darkness will miraculously do something good lol.

You've talked about how dank they get while in darkness. I'm planning on sticking them in one of the bathroom closets, do you think I need to remove all the clothes hanging in there as well? I don't really have a good place to move them too but I can't have stuff I wear reeking of ganja.

My other option would be to put a carbon filter/fan combo in there with them. Let me know your thoughts, thank you!
Sometimes I use the stand, depends on if it's feasible. Usually I use my hand and take the scope off the stand. The stand is useless to me if I'm not using it AS a stand. Once the scope is way lighter without the stand I can usually get a non-blurry picture, but often not. The picture could be a lot more stable, but the technology is what it is. Do you have a +/- button on your scope that allows you to zoom? I can zoom from 1.0 to 2.0 in increments of .2. It's pretty cool sometimes to get BIG trichomes in a picture.

Yeah the plants I have done the 36 hours of darkness to definitely increased in smell. I wouldn't call it earth shattering or anything, but noticeable. Depends on the plant how effective it has been for me. The danker the plant going in, the more the 36 hours had an effect, at least from what I can tell so far. I tried it on the Lemon Skunk Auto in the last grow, and it did nothing. But the Gorilla Zkittlez and Cinderella Jack autos got noticeably stinkier. So I suppose it's strain specific to a degree.

I am using my bedroom closet, which contains my cheapie dark cloth portable cabinet. It's cool and dark in there. But yes, my room stinks, and it is getting worse as this plant dries. Lmao. So far so good in terms of house pressure from roommates, but I'm also keeping the door to my room closed. I suppose a perfect world would have a fan and filter venting to outdoors, but unless it vents outside there's no point, right? (Assuming you're drying in your house somewhere, like a closet as we are) So can you set that up and vent it out a window and stuff the crack with towels or something? Or does your closet have a window by chance? That might be enough if it does. For just one auto, which is all I would consider drying in the house, no matter how stinky the plant, how bad could it be? If you are asking about removing the clothes in the closet due to thinking they might pick up the odor from the plant, I would pretty much guarantee you that they will. I put a shirt on yesterday that lives in the same closet my Sour Apple has been drying in since Monday, and when I got outside in normal air I could smell the stink on me. It wasn't terrible, but if I was going out to dinner or something I'm not sure I'd want that, lol. Depends on the restaurant. :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo: One thing I would NOT do is attempt to mask the odor by placing a room freshener type product in the closet with the plant. Not the spray kind, not the solid kind, not the plug in kind. Just me, I never tested it, but I strongly suspect that those odors could infiltrate the plant and potentially affect it. I doubt anyone wants to smoke bud that tastes like air freshener. Not even Febreze, and that smells good. Lol. So if you can remove the clothes from the closet and hang it up in there with a fan on the floor, but not blowing directly on the bud, you may be okay window or not. Depends on your situation and who or what besides yourself you need to worry about, like a roommate or something. If it's just too damn stinky, you could try your bathroom itself if it has a window. Bathrooms tend to be cooler (mine is), and smaller, and mine has a window. If I had to I could put a piece of carboard over the window, shut the bathroom door, and hang it up in there. The vent in the bathroom, and in most, vents to the outside, not to the rest of the house. If yours is like that, that may also be an option if you have another bathroom to do your non-pot related bathroom activities in. Lol.

Don't know if any of that helps, but that's what I could come up with.
I will throw this out as an idea for you guys, even though the bathroom will probably work fine. Years ago I had a need to dry my product and vent all that smell out of the house. I got a tall black plastic kitchen trash bin and went to work. First I drilled holes all around and devised a system of screen layers in the can to hold my product. Then I installed a bathroom fan on the lid of the can, and put that on a timer that could turn the fan on and off. This drying unit was then placed in my bloom tent to do its work, with the fan coming on twice an hour for 5 minutes.

The thing worked almost too well and I had to be very careful because it could dry my product out past the cure point pretty rapidly if I wasn't... but it solved the smell problem and got me through a few harvests
Thanks Jon! For all my grows I've used a carbon filter/fan combo in the bathroom with the grow. The filter stands vertically on the ground and the fan goes on top. It's not vented, it blows the air straight back up into the room and it works extremely well keeping the smell down. You may want to give it a try, for a small space you could get by with the 4" size. I use the 6" size. A big grow of clones would overwhelm one fan/filter so I added a second. Problem solved. You'll need to replace the carbon filter every grow or two or three depending. It's not silent by any means, but it's not that noisy mostly the sound of rushing air. In-line fans really push the air.
Weird Drying Update
Sue Anne Sour Apple

Sometimes, with dense buds, I will "pre-trim" the buds while they are still drying. I let it dry with the cover stuff on for four or five days, then sometimes I'll basically "semi-dry" trim the buds. Then hang them back up. I can't stand buds that are flat on one side, thus I always hang them. Anyway, I got that big cola pre-trimmed the way I wanted it and hung it back up in the dark. Then I went back to the little pile of flarf. The garbage from the very base of the stem that never even really formed a bud, just a bunch of loosely held together leaves and hairs. Maybe two grams of it - not much at all. Normally I would have stripped it long ago but the idea with Sue Anne was to see what happens if she were totally untouched, so I left it. I went to chop it up and toss it in with the trimmed off leaf material drying in the Trim Bin, and guess what I found? SEEDS!!!! 9 of them to be exact. And they look like mature, ready to plant seeds. This was the only place on the entire plant that had these seeds. They were in the flarfy trash on the right hand side of the stem. The flarf the corresponded to it on the other side of the stem had no seeds, just normal flarf. The two side buds have no seeds, nor does the big cola. I couldn't even see them, but then again I didn't really look at the garbage at the base, just acknowledged it. But even when I held the little non-bud to chop it up I didn't feel the seeds. They were just in there. So firstly, I didn't even know autos could produce seeds. This is a first. I guess I should know this, but I didn't. They seem so immune to almost everything. But then secondly, have you guys ever had a plant that produced seeds in only ONE bud at the very base of the plant and the rest of the plant was PERFECT? It's so odd. But in any event, now I have nine seeds of Sour Apple that are by definition feminized and are perfectly viable if I ever wanted to plant them. I probably never will, considering they are basically what amounts to bag seeds. I don't do bag seeds. It's a recipe for disaster, as the seed itself, if I'm not mistaken, is genetically prone to going hermie or it wouldn't exist. (Anyone, is this correct?) My first grow was bag seeds from the dispensary, and one of the plants turned on me. Luckily I caught that one and removed it without affecting the others. But who wants that headache? Hell, you might be a real idiot and lose an entire scrog that way. :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: :laughtwo: (I'm allowed to call myself an idiot, lol). So, Sue Anne is going to finish drying for a couple more days and then I will have a very easy time of final cleaning her buds up and doing the final count and all that good stuff.

Here's a picture of the first self-generated seeds of an autoflower I have "made" yet:

That's very strange Jon, are you sure there are no more in the cola? I hope not. I wonder if you've got or had a rogue male growing in the neighborhood. Maybe a bee or butterfly or whatever pollinated just the lower bud? Beats me whenever I had seeds they were everywhere.

Why do you say they'd be fem seeds by default? Never a dull moment with your grows lol!
That's very strange Jon, are you sure there are no more in the cola? I hope not. I wonder if you've got or had a rogue male growing in the neighborhood. Maybe a bee or butterfly or whatever pollinated just the lower bud? Beats me whenever I had seeds they were everywhere.

Why do you say they'd be fem seeds by default? Never a dull moment with your grows lol!
Yes, I'm sure. The rest of the plant is seed free. Very strange.

I said that cuz the only way that plant got seeds is if it pollinated itself. It was in the tent by itself. No bugs. No light leaks. (she was in the Gorilla tent) No stress. No deficiencies for the entire grow. My understanding, and don't quote me on this, is that a plant that pollinates itself produces feminized seeds by default. If someone can explain to us whether this is right or wrong we'll be in business. Lol.
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