That looks cool Jon. Do you use a stand to get the trich pics? My hands aren't that steady, but I can't figure out how to easily use a stand to take the pics either.
The trichs on my fried plant nearing harvest don't even have discernible stalks. I'm not certain the plant is still alive, although I think it still is barely hanging on. I'm hoping that 36 hrs of darkness will miraculously do something good lol.
You've talked about how dank they get while in darkness. I'm planning on sticking them in one of the bathroom closets, do you think I need to remove all the clothes hanging in there as well? I don't really have a good place to move them too but I can't have stuff I wear reeking of ganja.
My other option would be to put a carbon filter/fan combo in there with them. Let me know your thoughts, thank you!
Sometimes I use the stand, depends on if it's feasible. Usually I use my hand and take the scope off the stand. The stand is useless to me if I'm not using it AS a stand. Once the scope is way lighter without the stand I can usually get a non-blurry picture, but often not. The picture could be a lot more stable, but the technology is what it is. Do you have a +/- button on your scope that allows you to zoom? I can zoom from 1.0 to 2.0 in increments of .2. It's pretty cool sometimes to get BIG trichomes in a picture.
Yeah the plants I have done the 36 hours of darkness to definitely increased in smell. I wouldn't call it earth shattering or anything, but noticeable. Depends on the plant how effective it has been for me. The danker the plant going in, the more the 36 hours had an effect, at least from what I can tell so far. I tried it on the Lemon Skunk Auto in the last grow, and it did nothing. But the Gorilla Zkittlez and Cinderella Jack autos got noticeably stinkier. So I suppose it's strain specific to a degree.
I am using my bedroom closet, which contains my cheapie dark cloth portable cabinet. It's cool and dark in there. But yes, my room stinks, and it is getting worse as this plant dries. Lmao. So far so good in terms of house pressure from roommates, but I'm also keeping the door to my room closed. I suppose a perfect world would have a fan and filter venting to outdoors, but unless it vents outside there's no point, right? (Assuming you're drying in your house somewhere, like a closet as we are) So can you set that up and vent it out a window and stuff the crack with towels or something? Or does your closet have a window by chance? That might be enough if it does. For just one auto, which is all I would consider drying in the house, no matter how stinky the plant, how bad could it be? If you are asking about removing the clothes in the closet due to thinking they might pick up the odor from the plant, I would pretty much guarantee you that they will. I put a shirt on yesterday that lives in the same closet my Sour Apple has been drying in since Monday, and when I got outside in normal air I could smell the stink on me. It wasn't terrible, but if I was going out to dinner or something I'm not sure I'd want that, lol. Depends on the restaurant.
One thing I would NOT do is attempt to mask the odor by placing a room freshener type product in the closet with the plant. Not the spray kind, not the solid kind, not the plug in kind. Just me, I never tested it, but I strongly suspect that those odors could infiltrate the plant and potentially affect it. I doubt anyone wants to smoke bud that tastes like air freshener. Not even Febreze, and that smells good. Lol. So if you can remove the clothes from the closet and hang it up in there with a fan on the floor, but not blowing directly on the bud, you may be okay window or not. Depends on your situation and who or what besides yourself you need to worry about, like a roommate or something. If it's just too damn stinky, you could try your bathroom itself if it has a window. Bathrooms tend to be cooler (mine is), and smaller, and mine has a window. If I had to I could put a piece of carboard over the window, shut the bathroom door, and hang it up in there. The vent in the bathroom, and in most, vents to the outside, not to the rest of the house. If yours is like that, that may also be an option if you have another bathroom to do your non-pot related bathroom activities in. Lol.
Don't know if any of that helps, but that's what I could come up with.