Jew Brees Blue Dream, Nirvana, Virgin Grow, 1/17/19: Seed Germination Date


Active Member
Good news everyone no more worthwhile football to watch so let’s get down to business!
I recently built a 1 meter squared by eight ft. Tall grow box. It has a 600 w hps off amazon you know a cheap one. I also did a job with the intake and outtake fans that would make macgyver proud. A 12 inch box fan built into one wall at floor height . With carbon filter covering. I have a equally cheap 12 x 20 in. Exhaust fan built the same way at the top of opposite wall. White paint inside.
I have not moved into it yet I am more comfortable growing my seedling in my house right now

She is under 2 23 w Phillips led spirals in a light I threw together with a surge protector and some converters. 6500k spectrum 1600 lumens a piece but I do believe I lose a little power when I run them on the same circuit like that so I don’t expect it to operate at 3200.
Blue Ivory is 6 to 8 inches from the center of these bulbs. The temperature is a steady 73 with a humidity of 36%. I like to put her in the window for 4 to 5 hours when the sun is good, and she gets a little more humidity over there like 45 %.
Blue has been dropped more times than my draws. She has recovered every time but I feel her growth is stunted for 10 days. Even though she has a nice color, and new leaves are growing now but slowly. Because of her clumsy nature her stem is weirdly shaped she hasn’t seem to stretch or droop she is just awkward like a Calissa Flockhart impersonator. But I’m excited to see how it will effect her adult stem.
I germinated her in a rapid rooter plug and then put her in a 16 0z plastic up of coco coir and 30% perlite that was soaking in 6.0 ph’ed water and mag/cal solutionat 150pp including tap minerals and cal mag. Soaked for 24 hours. I was really worried about overwatering as I had some problems boot the coco has been dry for so long now I’m worried slow growth is because roots can’t seem out water so today will be the first real water to surrounding coco not center plug. And not even enough for run off. Also when I was worried about growth I have switched her to 24 hour light at day 9 it has helped some.
I plan on going as big as I can in my space so the plan seems to be transfer from cup to a 3 gallon fabric pot and then a final transfer to a 7 gallon fabric pot wait 2 weeks for shock and then flower and let it stretch into that final pot. When it is time to feed my girl we have general hydroponics Nutes on deck as well as 13 essentials Foliar spray. I know I will run into cooling issues with my ghetto exhaust but I will deal with that in the future I am tired of spending money. Pic are days 3, 5,7,8,and 10. Drain to waste


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Day 15: slow growth lasted 3 days after day 10 and I was worried. I believe problems lay with my water. I foolishly mixed tap dechlorinated with distilled. And had pretty low tds like 30 ppm. So I added 50 ppm cal mag and 30 of each three flora gh.. about 7 drops of each solution brought total ppm to round 180. The few days following that growth was great. Second feeding same amounts . Run off ppm was 210 I’m not too worried correct me if I’m wrong but from the first feeding that means all was absorbed but 30 ppm. Which is small enough I should be able to
Correct and prevent build up.

So now day 15 I have some weird new growth which I cannot tell if it is simply part of a 7 leaf fan than cane behind the rest of the fan or it seems to be slightly over watered. So Ima put her in front of a fan for 2 days on and off and if problems persist I might just go ahead and transplant her as my starter cup could be the problem if I just get her into the fabric pot it might be easier. Also the coco for my 3 gallon fab pot I have buffere much better as maybe that is the problem.
Any advice on early transplant yay or nay.
Any one recognize weird hairy curled leaf.
Anyone can comment on nutrient loaf I know I did it early but she liked it and


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I was trying everyday but I worried that the weird growth was a sign of overwatering so I took a break today if it’s obviously not overwatering and just some funky immature leaves I think I will resume daily as growth seems to stop if I do not. I think I have a little too much perlite for the size as it feels light as if needs water but the perlite tricks me because it feels moist still but again I think it’s just the perlite. Man no such thing as being prepared for a virgin grow huh? As I did 3 months of daily research and I am learning new things everyday! My new buffer has allot more calmag I didn’t put enough last time. And wetting agent.... didn’t know I needed it before! For when I’m ready for transplant.
The ph has been fine sump and runoff constantly 5.6
I was trying everyday but I worried that the weird growth was a sign of overwatering so I took a break today if it’s obviously not overwatering and just some funky immature leaves I think I will resume daily as growth seems to stop if I do not. I think I have a little too much perlite for the size as it feels light as if needs water but the perlite tricks me because it feels moist still but again I think it’s just the perlite. Man no such thing as being prepared for a virgin grow huh? As I did 3 months of daily research and I am learning new things everyday! My new buffer has allot more calmag I didn’t put enough last time. And wetting agent.... didn’t know I needed it before! For when I’m ready for transplant.
The ph has been fine sump and runoff constantly 5.6
Ya I think you noticed the need and wasn't sure. That's what they say anyway as long as its coco or perlite. Happy growing.
Transplanted her to a 3 gallon fabric pot with 1/2 inch of perlite on bottom as a air buffer of sorts 30% perlite coco feeding her 350 total ppms flora trio cal mag molasses for mychorazai. 5.7 ish ph I have had problems with cheap amazon ph meters and have gone to measuring manually Taking samples until I can get a decent meter. But overall 2 days after transplant she is doing good new growth is coming along better. She does seem slow as this is 23 days from sprout and the new growth is 5 tier leave still no 7 tier leaves. But she seems healthy so I’m happy.

Does any one know about the color deformation along the veins of the leaves it’s like a sheen silver/ green in last pic I’ll post. I have seen it for a while from beginning almost maybe genetics.... or could it be early light burn or nute burn? Thanks yaull!


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Transplanted her to a 3 gallon fabric pot with 1/2 inch of perlite on bottom as a air buffer of sorts 30% perlite coco feeding her 350 total ppms flora trio cal mag molasses for mychorazai. 5.7 ish ph I have had problems with cheap amazon ph meters and have gone to measuring manually Taking samples until I can get a decent meter. But overall 2 days after transplant she is doing good new growth is coming along better. She does seem slow as this is 23 days from sprout and the new growth is 5 tier leave still no 7 tier leaves. But she seems healthy so I’m happy.

Does any one know about the color deformation along the veins of the leaves it’s like a sheen silver/ green in last pic I’ll post. I have seen it for a while from beginning almost maybe genetics.... or could it be early light burn or nute burn? Thanks yaull!
Hi JB, Does it look like the pic here? If so calmag increase is what I have on hand for mag issues. If not lik the pic then click on the problem solver in my signature page and see if there's an obvious match and cure. It's hard to tell from the pic for me. Let me know what you think?
A few new pics... blue ivory was still stunted as far as growth though her leaves were growing bigger and bigger the run off was very high she has a smal nite burn Mark ... I flushed and no new burn marks have appeared since. Been foliar feeding her with thirteen essentials waiting for her to dry. Seemed to correct the cal mag def with a foliar spray I mad from cal magic water and dash of soap. Though I should spray this more I haven’t lately because If the other spray I have used don’t want to do both at same time... the only reason I used the 13 essentials is because her leaves seemed slightly waterlogged from the flush but I did want to continue small feeding. Big difference is I topped her at about 3 1/2 weeks.. she was growing slow anyway. I topped at 3 true node ( early I know) and trimmed the single bottom leaves off ( not cotylydens) it took about 5 days for the fimm to start growing again.... but to my surprise the day after the fimm I saw what seems to be preflowers at the node elbows but is growing into more branches.... like 8 new growths at once immediatelly.... I am now practicing lst on her to make most of light. She is under a 23 watt led tube bulb 7200 k I haven’t had need to add another yet or move her to my box under 600 w hps/ mh. But I lst since th big top fan leaves were praying to the light and their heigh was making some shade for lower leaves.. all in all she is still happy and I’m excited. Still planning on about 2 more months of veg. Aiming to switch lighting to flower cycles on 4/20 ( it just ended up that way as I’m trying to vacay late July and that gives me about 80 days of flower and 3-4 weeks of dry and curing! Some pics are a week ago( day after fimm) and some are today after lst.


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Hope you don’t mind if I follow along. I have 2 crazy Blue Dreams going now at about 4 1/2 weeks into flower. They definitely grow like weeds. I used LST, topped, tried fim. The stretch was wild, I had to move them from the 6’tall tent to a 7 1/2 ft room. The smell is great. I have to be careful not to touch them before work. Get ready for a wild ride. Good vibes your way, Cheers!!
She is 6 weeks now! Did some aggressive lst has 5 even tops ima give her like two weeks till I spread them out a little more and top them all try to get around 13 tops going. She had an iron deficiency I was giving plain water last two feedings I just brought back Nutes last feeding and she is loving them. Also had a sulfur problem I’m using Epsom salts now. I think next grow I’ll just get better coco probably save myself allot of hassle! Really I just wanted to show off my fancy lst!


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