
Well-Known Member
Hello all!

People were very welcoming on the intro thread, and it was suggested that making a grow journal may be of interest.. and of interest it is! So here I am.

This is a first grow for me. It is f i n a l l y legal here (in Canada), so this season I decided to cash in on that sweet new legal right.

Picked up my babies today.
4 plants, two strains: Blueberry Kush x2 and Future x2

Originally I was intending on planting them in 5 gallon buckets with holes drilled in them, but another member in the house suggested I use the planter boxes that are already there. The boxes are quite large and provide a boatload of room, so that's where they went.


1 & 4 are BBK
2 & 3 are Future, and share a box. I wanted two of the same strains to be the ones to share a box.. I have no idea if that makes a difference or not, but I had to set them up that way, just because.

*Note: I am worried about the placement of #2 as it is right behind the umbrella tree. If I have to, I can relocate to the other side of #1 in its own box.

These ladies are planted with promix soil. The aforementioned individual mentioned earlier also suggested watering with some fertilizer that he had, so they got some upon transferring (30:kisstwo:10). Pretty sure it was miracle grow or something. It may be worth mentioning that said individual has many years of experience growing. He's old school and isn't much for exact measurements and taking pH readings, but I will likely go out and grab some strips and take some readings when he's not looking to avoid unintentional insult. Not knowing will stress me out.

Added some wire caging for now to save them from the heckin' rabbits. They are b r u t a l around here, and apparently they like them or something. Don't worry, it's wide enough.

Picking up some dolomite tomorrow at some point as well.. that's it for now, I think!

Thanks for reading. Cheers!
News update

Will be picking up another clone! I have access to Blueberry Kush, Future, or Rockstar. Since I have BBK and Future already, I may go with Rockstar. I am super curious to see the differences and variations when it comes to growth, yield, etc..

I'm super excited about all of this. Like many people I'm still off of work from covid-19 (my industry will be one of the last to go back), so I have had extra time on my hands and needed a hobby
Happy Friday, all!


The newest addition! Rockstar. She's the biggest- was in a pot, where as the others were in solo cups.

I also moved one plant.


1 - rockstar
2 & 3 - Future
4 & 5 - Blueberry Kush

Dolomitic Lime will be here tomorrow, and pH reader will be here Monday, barring any shipping delays.

Here is a question: I know dolomite helps balance the pH and has Mg, so is there a point/benefit in adding it before I get a pH reading?
I think that should work, does your soil already have some dolomite lime in it already though?

I don't know haha, I'll see if I can find out online exactly what is in the mix. The other member in my house was the one who went on about the dolomite. Said it was good for the soil and the plant, and gives it a good flavour. This individual has grown large amounts for years (not as of late), but isn't much for measuring/taking pH etc.. I'm the kind of person who needs to know the hows and the whys beforehand, especially since I'm just learning.

I am definitely going to wait for the pH reader.
I don't know haha, I'll see if I can find out online exactly what is in the mix. The other member in my house was the one who went on about the dolomite. Said it was good for the soil and the plant, and gives it a good flavour. This individual has grown large amounts for years (not as of late), but isn't much for measuring/taking pH etc.. I'm the kind of person who needs to know the hows and the whys beforehand, especially since I'm just learning.

I am definitely going to wait for the pH reader.
What mix are you using?
Idk of it gives good flavor or not lol but it is good for the soil cause it'll buffer pH which worked for your house mate not needing to ph. I heard adding blackstrap molasses to the last few feeds of life will give it a sweetness to the flavor.
Haha me too I like to understand why it works and understand what I'm going into before actually going into it.
What mix are you using?
Idk of it gives good flavor or not lol but it is good for the soil cause it'll buffer pH which worked for your house mate not needing to ph. I heard adding blackstrap molasses to the last few feeds of life will give it a sweetness to the flavor.
Haha me too I like to understand why it works and understand what I'm going into before actually going into it.

Just a mix of pro-mix. I checked and it does indeed have lime. My pH meter also came in, and it was right around that sweet spot of 6 :cool:
I'm glad I didn't add anything to mess with it lol. I am also going to look into blackstrap molasses- it sounds interesting! Thanks!!
Which promix you using? They have a few.
You should be fine then don't worry about adding more dolomite lime into your mix, I grew with promix hp my first few grows and I never pH my feed was fine but my new soil is more sensitive so I pH now.
Promix is soilless soil so you should ph from 5.8-6

A few different ones. It's mostly pro-mix organic veg garden and pro-mix seedling, with a tiny bit of pro-mix HP. I have been looking for more HP everywhere but it's all sold out
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