J'an To Be Sentenced In The US On Drug Charges

Herb Fellow

New Member
A Jamaican has pleaded guilty to possessing nearly 1,700 pounds of ganja stored at a Tolleson warehouse in the United States (US). According to the US Attorney's Office in Arizona George Lake also known as 'Uriah Anthony Walker' was caught in October 2005 during a Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigation.

Lake reportedly controlled a warehouse in Tolleson where the ganja was kept and arranged to transport the drugs to Virginia. A source cooperating with ICE agreed to transport the drug.

Lake and unidentified people loaded the ganja hidden among pallets loaded with cooler chests. The vehicle was turned over to ICE which arrested Lake in June 2007 in Houston.

Lake pleaded guilty to a charge of conspiracy to possess more than 100 kilograms of ganja with intent to distribute. He faces up to 40 years in prison and a $2 million fine. Sentencing is scheduled for June 16th in the Federal Court.

Source: Radio Jamaica
Copyright: 2008, Radio Jamaica
Contact: Station
Website: Radiojamaica.com... today's news... today | Lake, Ganja, Ice, Tolleson, Warehouse | J'an to be sentenced in the US on drug charges -   A Jamaican has pleaded guilty to possessing n...
i hate snitches! 40 years and fines?! how much of our tax money is that?! its idiotic! i wanna know what the cops offered the snitch that gave them that truck. oh well snitches always get theirs eventually. blaze it up! :rofl:
Forty years is ridiculous! The feds don't want to lose that number one spot for number of citizens in jail.
im embarassed and disgusted to live in a country that tolerates a rabid group of feeble minded heartless scumbags that ignore facts and voters and think its moral and right to persecute the sick and imprison people for a medically beneficial and harmless weed...best wishes and best of luck J'an...peace

"it is not a war on drugs...it is a war on personal freedoms is what it is...keep that in mind at all times"...bill hicks

"if a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it...he is obligated to do so"...thomas jefferson
Dammmmn That Sucks! Snitches Suck...they always screw everything up.....

damn if they raided my warehouse where i had 1700 lbs of herb i woulda started a fire before they got me...=)
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