I've sprouted seeds - Now what?


Well-Known Member
I am pretty surprised but three of some very premature looking Blackberry Kush bagseeds I planted have sprouted, and I checked just this morning so they had to have done it within the last 12 hours. I took the humidity tents off so the soil wouldn't damp-off and raised my 400w HPS up three feet above (as per Jorge Cervantes book recommends) and dimmed it to 50 percent. The humidity is only getting up to 30 percent and is usually in the mid to high twenties so I think I should turn the fan down maybe? Not sure if I really needed to back the light off that much, I am inexperienced with seeds and last time I used CFL, a little higher than where my HID is, and it stretched almost five inches before it even put on a set of true leaves! I don't want to light stress them either.

Also one of them seems to have the seed husk stuck to it, does that need some intervention or should I leave it to its own devices?

General info...
12\12 from seed (thus starting with HPS)
Planted 4/30 1/8th to 1/4th inch right into Black Gold Natural and Organic
Water pH'd to somewhere in the 6.5 to 7 range because it comes out of the tap at 8
Light was placed only a foot above humidity tents to help heat soil
Blackberry Kush bagseed, no idea if it was cross or self pollenated
Will eventually feed a half and half mix of Flora Nova Bloom AND Grow since I am doing bloom from seed, then once I see flowers I will switch to just Bloom and Crystal Burst


Also one of them seems to have the seed husk stuck to it, does that need some intervention or should I leave it to its own devices?

I don't think there's any hard answer here. If it looks like you might be able to remove it without damage, give it a try. Be super gentle. Maybe just pry at it a bit with something small like a toothpick.
I've often killed them trying these sorts of things, but if it's blocking the seed leafs from popping out, that's pretty significant damage too.
I don't think there's any hard answer here. If it looks like you might be able to remove it without damage, give it a try. Be super gentle. Maybe just pry at it a bit with something small like a toothpick.
I've often killed them trying these sorts of things, but if it's blocking the seed leafs from popping out, that's pretty significant damage too.

Hmm yeah it doesn't seem to want to budge.

The other one sprouted so far too, but there is one that I let a box fan drop onto and it aparently did more damage than I thought, tossed the top soil about. I kind of sugar around a little bit looking for a dead seed but then I saw a tap root and covered it back up, I wonder what the chances of it pulling through.

So far none of the GSC seeds I actually paid for are sprouting, kind of bumming me out but maybe it will just take a little longer for them. So far one Frankenberry has sprouted since posting this. It's funny, the ones I didn't think would sprout at all came in first and the ones I had more confidence in are coming in slow!

Maybe it's a genetic thing, or maybe the premie looking seeds absorbed water and cracked open easier. I am going to be mad if all this bagseeds sprouts and the ones I actually paid for don't.

Oh before I forget, I notice that the perlite in the cups has got a green tint on it and the soil looks like it's growing moss? Is this algae from the humidity or something? Wondering if anyone who makes humidity tempts as seem this before
I see that this an old post but could you tell me how long it took to sprout after germination.:Namaste:

It took the first one while week and the second about 9 days, finally at two weeks I pulled the other ones. I didn't soak mine it anything though so next time around I am going to do that as well as scratch up the seed with some sandpaper a little bit
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