Is this the start of mold?

Young Yoda

Well-Known Member

So I have started noticing a few white spots on sugar leaves. Just want to make sure I know what I'm dealing with. If this is what I think it is, what can I do?

I have increased air circulation.
My humidity is definitely too high, I am considering buying a DampRid or DampCheck product of some kind too lower it. Would like some reccomendations.
As for direct treatments.. What is worth trying?
I am using 2 of the original 300w mars hydro (180w draw) in a 2x4 space. 2x2 per plant right now.

The very tippy tops are about 15" from the lights. But they are showing zero signs of anything like this. The pictures I posted are all secondary tops located around 18-20" from the lights.

I am slightly confused now. On the one hand, this doesn't really seem like bleaching to me, the very tops are unaffected.

On the other hand, close inspection of the spot seems to show that the discoloration is actually within the leaf. It isn't showing up like fluffy white spider webs growing on or around plant material or anything like that, which is the start of mold that I am used to. I examined the whole plant closely, and I'm not seeing these symptoms tucked up next to the stems and near the budsites, where I might expect them. They're all located on the uppermost sugar leaves of the secondary budsites.
Looks like bleaching if you ask me, but hard to tell I am old and have bad eyes

^ This. ^

Not sure what it is, but doesn't look like and mold or mildew I've seen. You could carefully wipe a spot with some H2O2 solution to see if any of it comes off.
On the other hand, close inspection of the spot seems to show that the discoloration is actually within the leaf. It isn't showing up like fluffy white spider webs growing on or around plant material or anything like that, which is the start of mold that I am used to. I examined the whole plant closely, and I'm not seeing these symptoms tucked up next to the stems and near the budsites, where I might expect them. They're all located on the uppermost sugar leaves of the secondary budsites.

The fluffy white spider webs you described would be PW aka powdery mildew, nasty stuff, but being I have had issues with PM in the past and am familiar with what it looks like up close and personal I would count out PM, since it looks nothing like your photos. There is one other option which has not been brought up, and that is variegated mutation. I actually met the gentleman who patented a plant he calls Oregonia which is a mutated variegated off-spring of green boxwood. Sometimes plants will get areas in the plant which are affected by a mutation which in mammals we call Albino but instead of effecting the whole plant it is blotchy and may only effect one branch or even one leaf. In my friends case it was a whole branch which he cut from the bush and cloned and created a whole new strain of Green Boxwood which is variegated. That is a possibility, because in all honesty it does not look like PM or bud rot. It could be something else but I highly suspect it is not either of those two.
Ok.. Good to know. I cut a few pieces away, but I will stop and see what happens to the spots.
In the most advanced case there was actually some red/orange showing up in the spot.

As an aside, I still think my humidity is too high. I can't seem to get it to stay below 50. Has anyone had any luck dehumidifying with a non-electric product?
As an aside, I still think my humidity is too high. I can't seem to get it to stay below 50. Has anyone had any luck dehumidifying with a non-electric product?

You could always try a fan blowing over some desiccant. Idk how much this would help though.

You could also try some diatomaceous earth. It seems to suck moisture out of the air and also helps with bug prevention.
Using some peladow calcium chloride pellets I tried making a homemade version of those damprids. I don't know if the stuff is old or what but there's only been like one drop of water collected in the past couple days. It isn't helping humidity at all.

I also raised the lights a solid 18" above the tops, but these darn spots are getting worse! Here are some photos:
In this first one you can see that yellowish color actually going red/orange, almost like a deficiency.

These next two are both of the same cola. She seems to be getting a little brownn.... I looked close and it isn't quite like budrot.. It's not going straight to the middle of the nug. But it's still driving me crazy and I have no idea how to treat! Help!
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