Is this ready to harvest?


New Member
So I have an Amnesia Haze Auto from CKS. It was stunted for about 2-3 weeks then it started it's normal grow again. (With some deformities) Most of the buds look ready to go but there are a few that look underdeveloped, mostly because there are to many white hairs on them. First few pics will be the buds that look ready last two will be the "underdeveloped" buds.


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So I have an Amnesia Haze Auto from CKS. It was stunted for about 2-3 weeks then it started it's normal grow again. (With some deformities) Most of the buds look ready to go but there are a few that look underdeveloped, mostly because there are to many white hairs on them. First few pics will be the buds that look ready last two will be the "underdeveloped" buds.
You could selectively harvest a few to enjoy
But I would wait a while
Are the buds with white pistils from the lower part of the plant
If so u could cut the tops and continue with growing the lower part if u want
You could selectively harvest a few to enjoy
But I would wait a while
Are the buds with white pistils from the lower part of the plant
If so u could cut the tops and continue with growing the lower part if u want

Not that I'm being impatient or nothing, I just wanna make sure I get that mostly cloudy trich. But chopping the sites that look done wont hurt the rest the grow?
Not that I'm being impatient or nothing, I just wanna make sure I get that mostly cloudy trich. But chopping the sites that look done wont hurt the rest the grow?
Hard to tell if there are cloudy trichomes with the purple light
in my experience i will have some buds at the top of plant that will have cloudy trichomes and finished pistils and the lower part of the plant will have flowers which got little light and are immature
I chop the finished from the top and then grow the immature flowers for a few more weeks
If the flower variation is at the top colas I would wait for more maturity.
You could wait till all your flowers are mature it's up to you !
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