Is this plant abuse?

Jungle Joseph

Well-Known Member
Check out what I did to this plant. WARNING: CONTENT MAY OFFEND.




Called stem splitting. But people only tends to do that just before the harvest. Cutting a hole on main stem should increase trichomes production
Nothing wrong. You can literally cut off a branch and tape a different plants branch on and it will grow. Graphing.
Lmao thats actually somewhat true. HST done right can increase yields and scropping branches then taping them back is great way to prevent flower stretching.
Be the first who has two different strains or phenos; cut a stem from each and tape another to another. XD
Happens from time to time when I supercrop “badly“ on thicker stems sometimes. Was that on purpose or accident? It didn’t look like the result of a crush injury. Peeps that do it on purpose to trick the plant into taking up more nutrients and making more trichomes for the plant to protect itself at the end of a grow. Or maybe it’s the plant‘s way of saying: “if I give you more THC will you quit stabbing me?!?” Either way, you will be fine…not abuse…..THIS time lol
Hey sneekymofo,
"Quit stabbing me" lmao.
Yeah, it was crushed and bent, I did it on purpose, I've done it before, to keep the canopy even and to create some 'good stress'.
It definitely works.
Not really worried if I mess it up (this time) since I have too many plants for the room.
I just wanted to freak some people out lol.
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