Is this normal? Or is it going to be a herm?


New Member
I have 2 females in flower... I noticed the buds on one of the girls starting to look weird and different from the other, and it doesn't have as many pistils. Does anyone know what this may be? I don't know the strain, decided to try a bagseed grow.

You probably don’t want to hear this but I’d get that out of there right now.

You can see where white pistils are popping out of calyx’s and already red/fried on the ends (besides the nitrogen overdose) That likely means pollen is present and the buds look like they are in the early stages of seed production already.
The plant in question definitely has the stature of a male but shows some female parts. It was a bagseed. It happens A LOT.
Toss it and start over before it ruins your next garden too.
You probably don’t want to hear this but I’d get that out of there right now.

You can see where white pistils are popping out of calyx’s and already red/fried on the ends (besides the nitrogen overdose) That likely means pollen is present and the buds look like they are in the early stages of seed production already.
The plant in question definitely has the stature of a male but shows some female parts. It was a bagseed. It happens A LOT.
Toss it and start over before it ruins your next garden too.
😤 I’m going to remove it today most likely and clean out the tent.
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