Is this mold? -.-


Active Member
Dried 11 days in 60-65f and 45-60% humidity with good airflow. Spiked up to 75-80% on about day 4 but I was able to control it early.
Man i sure can't tell it by the pic. But you know the plant better in person. I can smell it when i break open some suspicious looking bud or see it if my bud is greener but yours is hard to see for me. Good catch. I have a super dense plant growing outdoors it's giving me the hebbe jebbezes cause it's so solid and the colas are as big as pop can nearly. Those are the ones that get stem rot then moves to the buds. Great to look at but greater chances of mold.
When I find a patch of mould, I go through it and take off all the buds from the stems to check it thoroughly and ensure it dries evenly
Man i sure can't tell it by the pic. But you know the plant better in person. I can smell it when i break open some suspicious looking bud or see it if my bud is greener but yours is hard to see for me. Good catch. I have a super dense plant growing outdoors it's giving me the hebbe jebbezes cause it's so solid and the colas are as big as pop can nearly. Those are the ones that get stem rot then moves to the buds. Great to look at but greater chances of mold.
Yeah, this was my biggest cola out of my 3 plants. Somehow very difficult to get a picture of. Hard to capture the white fuzz. This was the first one I trimmed too, so my stomach sunk pretty hard. Found some in one other bit as well. Tossed about 10-15g and had to break apart the rest of it to make sure. Super frosty inner buds, so a little tricky to tell. Ended up with 85g though so not a total loss. Good luck with yours though! Maybe break apart and track dry it?
most of the plant is lost by the time you see mold on the outside. it starts in the center of the bud against the stem. as you cut the buds off break them open, any that have a brown interior are fucked.

this is a look at it on the surface


and this is what it looks like inside


that bud is dangerous.
break your buds open and check them. normally mold will take out about 75% of the plant by the time it's on the surface.
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