Is this mold?


Well-Known Member
Been drying at 20 -21 degree celcious for 5 days hanging, 55 -60 % humidity

Is this the start of mold? Garbage weed?


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it is mold and it can be generally found in the center of huge dense colas . If you are seeing it on medium and small buds you have some issues in your drying room . Either way remove the infected buds (clean your hands before touching any buds after you find one with mold as you do not want to spread it . ) from the room via a zip lock bag.
I just threw it

Gutted for you mate. Real bastard after the care n attention gone into it.
Was it your only plant?
Prolly could have saved some of it if you're careful: hoping no next time but if so, just carefully dispose of any connected or contact buds and dry the grow out while keeping an eye for fresh growth (think you can treat with a preventative too!)
That's the perfect drying temp and humidity.
I just did a batch at 70 degrees and 58 to 60% humidity for 10 days and it came out perfect.
You somehow got spores on your plants probably before you harvested.

I would think so too. Another reason to wash your buds when you harvest. There are several “how to prevent mold” topics on this site. If you’re like me, you read them after you have it. Apple vinegar diluted with water and dish soap as a foliar spray seems to be the kitty. I will do that on my next grow.
Spores are going to be in your environment no matter what you do. I think it more comes down to whether or not you have the variables to support their growth or not.

I use multiple hepa filtration units. I wash thoroughly and wear grow room clothes. Still got hit with a bunch of bud rot on this grow. Somehow, during veg I picked up some spores. And the high density of my buds was enough to tip the scales.

All my buds now have exposed stalk at each node with a massive increase to airflow. This should help me battle it.

I am under 45% humidity and temps around 80f. I have 2 oscillating fans and extraction system.
Yikes. And still mold. My grow room is my bedroom and isn't exactly clean! put it lightly. Have a tent, but still, all the air flow. :nervous-guy::nervous-guy::nervous-guy:

Yep, sucks! But I had a feeling I would get it, cause bud density that high can’t be good for breathability. I would just concentrate on making sure you’re within environmental ranges. And that air flow is adequate. And just be super diligent, and check often. It can pop up quickly, so time is of the essence dealing with it.
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