Is this light stress?


Well-Known Member
Im growing two different autos started at the Sametime and the same feeding etc...on both plants one has light green tips and the other plant is all good is this light stress or a deficiency? The plant with the light tips is taller and my ppfd is between 750 - 780 ish





overall no worries, she’s looking great

generally speaking tip burn is a marker, it’s the plants response to tell you nutes are getting thru… and plant is right on the edge… if you push nutes harder right now you will get more tip burn.

Stay at current dosage or perhaps back off just a hair…,

nice looking sativa you are working on there!
Thanks for the feedback......
Yeah one would think with them skinny leaves it would be sativa dominant but it's actually a 70% indica hybrid "Banna Purple Punch" from FastBuds 4 1/2 weeks old

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