Is this heat stress?


New Member
I have a outdoor scrog going and last week we had about 5 days of 100+ Degrees. During that time the new growth on a couple branches started bundling together. The temps this week have only been in the mid 80's so I thought it would recover but it is only getting worse. Anyone know what is causing this?

Is it like that all over the plant or just those two spots..?
It may very well be heat stress, but double check each accompanying stem for any signs of boring insects or scale insects which might be choking off the flow from below.

105 or so is about the upper limit on comfortability...anything 100+ for prolonged periods of time with no shade can be harsh. If the hot temps continue, you might consider putting up some kind of shading.

There is heat stress going on, but you can see it across the plant. Those two spots look to me like the branch/stem has been compromised by: bugs, cut, crimped or broken.
There is heat stress going on, but you can see it across the plant. Those two spots look to me like the branch/stem has been compromised by: bugs, cut, crimped or broken.

I was thinkin the same thing.. Birds landed on it? Cats frollicking? Bugs chewing? Heck; I've done similar things just leaning over to check something..
It's very slowly starting to look better. I put up some sunshade and up'd my silica. I was only using it half strength anyway. Don't see any pests even with my loop an it gets a spray of neem oil every 7-10 days
It's very slowly starting to look better. I put up some sunshade and up'd my silica. I was only using it half strength anyway. Don't see any pests even with my loop an it gets a spray of neem oil every 7-10 days

Every 7-10 days? Most neem products I've used say not to use it more than 'x' times per grow season. Don't over-do it.
Yeah I'd only use it when needed.. Organic or not, that's a lot of gunk building up on, and IN, your plant.
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