Is this female or male and does it look good?


New Member
i have a few pics of my plants, one by it self i thought was male but i think i was wrong can you hep and the other 3 are in a room but are so bushy its hard to see whats going on.
under 400w sodium in second week 12/12

ok i think thats how to see my gallery off the plant i cant tell what sex it is

and why you are there look at my other albums and see the other plants when they were younger and now

hope to get your info soon thx
Wiat those are in the second week of flowering? Something not right there. I saw no signs of sex at all. Only new growth. I couldn't see any sacks for males and sure as hell didn't see any white pistols form females.

If you had them in 12/12 for almost 2 weeks and you don't see any white pistols and theres no light leaking in and its really 12/12 then i would have to assume they are males. Give them another week I have had some strains that took almost 2 weeks to show sex but not often. If after another week you don't see etheir sacks or pistols then something is really not right.
These plants really look like they are still in the veg. growth stage.

Referencing this picture of yours--->

The plants appear entirely void of any signs of showing sex with a huge abundance of leaf growth. It appears unwanted light maybe extending your daylight hours somehow and ruining your activation of the flowering stage.
Azaiden...It's hard to tell with the pics being a bit out of focus. But it could be male, or new growth and still stretching after flowering was induced. Hard to tell at this point. Give it another week.

tip for ya...when you post a pic put ahead of the link and after the link. NO SPACES. Then the pic will be placed in your post. If that's what you want of course.:cheesygrinsmiley:
the three large ones together are definatly female and if you want i can take a better photo so you can see but the one by itself, the one i have alot off photos off is the one that im asking about the other three i dont need to know so i didnt try to get a good shot at all.
thanks for the pic advice Akornpatch i was wondering how that was done now but i wasnt going to say anything because i was just happy that you can actualy upload now.
ohh and to all the one im not sure off, it has been in 12/12 for two weeks but after a few days i seen the sex off them all and this one had worried me so i just got it out off there into my closet and I only have a few pissy cfls to put it under so it hasnt grown anywere near as quick and the others i know are female i will take a better pic off there bud sites so you can see that there is heaps off white hairs on those girls.
I also think the other might be female to but im going to go buy a 65w = to 500w cfl and put it in so it grows better because its now getting the white hairs and it has some nice starting buds on it, but im still not sure enough to let it loose with the others yet, When im sure that its a girl i will put her in the other room which i just doubled in size and add the 65w=500w cfl in there as well so ill have 400watt sodium 65w cfl and a 4 29 w cfls or what ever they are.
hey i got one quiestion, whats the average temp in that grow room it was in over a week period? if its exceeding 87degree's then you have slowed growth to the point of grandma on a herion binge.
I will have a look at some pics of plants to see what they should look like after a week in flowering to see if they are alot further than mine I also should have some more pics aproved from my girls. They arnt the best shots because im a sucky photogrepher but you can see the bud sites a little better than in the last photo, as in the last i just stuck the camera in the room and pressed the button because i wasnt really asking anything about them.
If you want you can go to my pics and see if you can see the pics yet, I took them only 12 hours after the last ones you seen because everyone keeps going on about them and not actualy looking at or answering the dam question i asked.
ohh and the temp sits on about 75-76 as its a/c
the reason for so many branches is i intentionaly tied them down and did trimming as they grew and a few other little experiments because i have bought 10 white widow and 10 skunk special seeds and these are just bag seeds that i wanted to do a bit off learning with first.
Lesson one I will not be trimming anywere near as much and i might tie some branches back just a little to help light consumption but i will only do it one time and not be tieing them down very far just enough to move them a couple of inches either way and I will be adding extra lights and getting better newts but overall I am very happy with trying a learning grow first and not listening to everyone on here as I think most people know as little as i do they just repeat stuff they wread on other posts to try make themselves look good but i dought they have never done a grow just to try some off this stuff just to see it for themselves.
That being said I also think there are a few people on here that really know their shit but i bet its because they actualy tried it for themselves and not just took everybodys word for it.
if you want the best fruit you have to go out on a limb.
hey you know those branchs are pretty damn pliable, i did a grow and did this, you can check it out in the grow journal section or my pics, anyway i did a bonsai kinda thing, they all turned out male so it was a big waste of time, i know what to do the next time i try it though, iam gonna fim the shizzle out of it. by tieing the branchs back your promoting better lateral growth.
if you know what your doing or have a wide base knowlage for horticulture and the culture of marijuana you can pretty much tell whos talkin out there ass in the first 2 sentances..
yeah I see what your saying dankcloset but i have a reasonably ok way off checking on hear and its to look at there grows and most off the socalled great advice growers have no grow or one grow and there is only the plants while in veg then nothing like they died ir something.
Ohh and Its only about 3 days since the first post and there is a huge diffrence in bud sizes and hair growth.
The main problem i think was a lack off light gettingn to alot off the plants because the size off room and alot off top leaves covering the rest off the plants from soaking it up to grow but i made the room alot bigger and now they get heaps off light and in 3 days i have seen the same growth that i have seen in 2 to 3 weeks and as i said from the start those 3 were girls and the one buy itself was a girl to and has some big buds for only being back under for 1 and a half days, can't wait to see how they look in a few weeks.

I also just purchased 10 white widow and 10 skunk special and have just put 3 off each in to start with and they all have the first weird leaves and another set off normal after only 3 days since i put them in the paper towel, they are in pots now obviously since they have leaves and shit lol. I will be putting them in their veg closet 2morow as i had a delay because off thanks giving stores being closed and needing a surplie or 2 but i will take pics and post in a few days.
When I do any positive help from people who know what they are saying will be very greatful, ohh and dank love ya shit man you know how to grow. keep it up and any hints for the two strains i just started?
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