Is the DEA Legalizing THC?

Jacob Bell

New Member
In November of last year, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) proposed a seemingly subtle change to its policy on marijuana. Citing recommendations from the assistant secretary for Health at the Department of Health and Human Services, the agency outlined its plan to reschedule pills containing organic dronabinol from schedule I to schedule III.

Dronabinol is short for tetrahydrocannabinol and long for THC. It's more commonly known as the thing in marijuana that gets you high.

"This proposed action expands the schedule III listing to include formulations having naturally-derived dronabinol and products encapsulated in hard gelatin capsules," reads the DEA's proposed rule. "This would have the effect of transferring the FDA-approved versions of such generic Marinol [a synthetic THC drug] products from schedule I to schedule III."

Paul Armentano of the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws reads the proposal as a way of legalizing marijuana so just Big Pharma can make money from it.

"DEA is taking a shortcut by saying, well, we can reschedule organic THC because it mimics an existing drug on the market," Armentano said. "Which is ironic given that they are saying the organic substance is derivative of the synthetic substance that is actually based on the organic substance."

A spokesperson from the DEA told The Daily Caller that the rescheduling of pills containing organic dronabinol is not equivalent to legalizing THC. "Please note that DEA is not 'rescheduling ... organic THC,'" wrote the DEA's Rusty Payne in an e-mail.

"THC, natural or synthetic, remains a schedule I controlled substance. Under the proposed rule, in those instances in the future where FDA might approve a generic version of Marinol, that version of the drug will be in the same schedule as the brand name version of the drug, regardless of whether the THC used in the generic version was synthesized by man or derived from the cannabis plant."

In other words, THC in plant form or as an extract, will still be illegal. What won't be illegal is if a pharmaceutical company buys THC from a government-licensed provider, puts it in a pill, receives the DEA's stamp of approval, and sells it a price that will likely be far higher than the price of marijuana.

Armentano said such circular reasoning is a product of decades of hostility towards marijuana research.

"This is the insane rationale necessary for banning medical marijuana," he said. "Take away the prohibition and the political elements, and you would never have the stretching of logic necessary to pass organic THC but only if it mimics Marinol."

Payne protested the comparison. "Marinol is not the same thing as marijuana; nor is any generic version of Marinol that might be approved by the FDA in the future. Marijuana (the cannabis plant) contains approximately 500 different chemicals; and dronabinol (the form of THC found in Marinol) is just one of those numerous chemicals in the plant."

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Author: Mike Riggs
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Copyright: The Daily Caller
Website: Is the DEA legalizing THC?
From what i have seen, no one really likes Marinol. They all say it takes too long to kick in and drags on once it does.

I dont think the pharma companies will even want to make enough of it for anyone to say that we dont need medical marijuana. even if they did... everyone will still want REAL cannabis.
This stinks of something. I read that HHS had recommended to the DEA (which they have to follow) that cannabis itself was supposed to move schedules, not the pill form of it!! Maybe what I read was misinformed. Who knows. But this stinks. It's ok for big pharma to try to make money off of thc, but not ok for someone to grow their own medicine. Not cool to the max.
Stuff considered less dangerous (schedule 2) than marijuana by these folks:

Methamphetamine (It's very acceptable when you're insured and your 13 year has trouble paying attention to a teacher.)

Cokain (you need insurance/money, a tooth ache, and a dentist to get the approved stuff)

This leads to

Sick person: Can I get some medical cannabis?

Fed: No good, here's a pill.

"It is the irony of democracy that the survival of democratic values--individual dignity, limited government, equality of opportunity, private property, freedom of speech and press, religious tolerance, and due process of law--depends on enlightened elites...When elites abandon democratic principles or the masses lose confidence in elites, democracy is in peril."

~The Irony of Democracy by Thomas R. Dye and Harmon Zeigler
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