Is my soil cooked? Quick advice - No Till Coots Mix

sir grow alot

Well-Known Member
I had 14 yards of coots no till mix soil dumped at my place. it was covered with a tarp and left outside for the last month. the tarp doesnt block all the rain from entering so the mix has been moistened over several rains. (in the northwest) temps have on average been 68 degrees F daily and 40 degrees nightly.

So is my mix ok to plant in? I am putting my new 30 gal no till pots under lights and cover cropping right away. just need to know if the time left outside was enough to prepare the soil life or if i needed to let the worms, cover crop and topdress/waterings fire things up a while longer before?

I have only ever let the cover crops grow for a few months before planting but neededing things earlier this time.

Thanks for any informed knowledgeable responses!

I'd worry more about the soil temperature. Ideally warmer soil at the beginning is better. As far the microbes, they will be fine. As the soil gets warmer they will get more active too.
I'd worry more about the soil temperature. Ideally warmer soil at the beginning is better. As far the microbes, they will be fine. As the soil gets warmer they will get more active too.

What up Shaman. Thanks for taking the time to respond. So would you plant into the soil as is or not?
Are the plants seedlings? Then probably not. I'd wait until they got at least a month old.

Are they at least a month old started inside? Then yes, but harden the plants to the outside temps for at least a week before planting.

Ideally you want the night temp above 53 degees. 40ish is a bit low. ES.
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