Is it the CBD or the THC?


New Member
I am very new to this. I have heard people tell me that CBD gives you a relaxed body feeling, while others have told me it does absolutly nothing for you. It just has medical benifits.

Here is what I have tried, and my experiance so far. Maybe somone can read this and figure out what it is that is doing it for me, and also what is making me freak out. Is it the mixture of THC CBD, or CBD only? Or is it the Indica? I don't know. Hopefully someone can clear it up for me.

I had smoked a high CBD strain called Catatonic with THC rating of roughtly (5%). It gave me this really nice, light relaxed body feeling reminicent of painkillers. I figured ok, CBD does make me feel that relaxed body feeling. - I LOVED THIS FEELING, and I want to figure out other things I can try out that will be just like this but in edible form, water, vape, whatever.

Then I tried a strain called HarlyTSU,it had a higher CBD rating than the Catatonic, and almost no THC (0.63%) - After smoking bowls of this, it did nothing for me. it made me maybe a little relaxed, like smoking the worlds most relaxing cigarette after sex, but it did not give me a phsyical body feeling.

I tried eating a 1:1 ration (5mg/5mg - THC/CBD) candy and yet again, did anothing for me. Maybe a little calming.

I tried a 100% pure CBD CheebaChew and again, nothing.

Then I tried a Kiva choclate bar (120mg) 1:1 CBD bar. It was sectioned into 4 sections, and I ate a half of 1 section, about 15mg. and it DESTROED me. I got a body feeling for sure, but it was super overpowering, and I got all paranoid and have extreme fast thoughts, I felt my perception shift and felt like I could think about topics from a differnt point of view (Which I would be fine with if I didn't now think, which way of looking at it is "real") so I get a little worried.

I now just tried drinking half a bottle of CBD water as I am typing this, and I am curious what it will do to me.

So... Im trying to find what it was about the Catatonic that gave me a very chill relaxed feeling, and a light, not overwhelming phsyial body sensation, with almost 0 headchange. (more like a 1-2% head change) - Is it the CBD? The THC? Why do I like that strain more than the other stuff I have tried? and why do the other 1:1 things make me freak out?

Im obviously new to all of this and still trying to figure it out.. My goal is to be able to use something and get a nice relaxed body feeling while I am work, much like my painkillers give me where you can feel your body being relaxed, but not being so intoxicated that I can function properly, or not be "high"

I hope this makes some sense and wasn't too confusing and all over the place, and someone might be able to help me figure out what I should be trying. Im just trying to learn here.

Please give me your input on what I wrote, and aside from that, can someone finally clear up for me WHAT CBD DOES, and Does NOT do? Is the CBD in the Catatonic responsible for me feeling that good body feeling? Or is it the THC? Because 100% cbd candy did nothing, yet Indica gave me a massive head change, and it should be obvious I am very sensitive to THC, to the point where I almost don't like it. I like the way it makes my body feel, but HATE when it messes with my mind. I get too freaked out from it.

From my understanding, THC is the psychoactive property of cannabis, which turns to CBN as the plants go longer in flower and gives you a couchlock relaxed feeling, and CBD is the medical property found in certain cannabis strains that reacts positively with human and other animals endocannabinoid system located in the brain and will do nothing as far as euphoric effects.

Now the feeling that you got from your catatonic was probably the result of the very little thc combined with a late harvest resulting in some CBN as well.

In short:
THC, psychoactive "high" feeling.
CBN, relaxing "body buzz" feeling.
CBD, medical property does nething for euphoria

Also, there is a difference between where your edible came from.

Indicas tend to produce a more relaxed feeling which can also put you to sleep.
Sativas tend to produce a more uplifting feeling which can also cause paranoia.

These are the problems us growers must solve when picking strains and harvest time for our patients to get the medicine that will work for them.

I hope I answered at least some of your questions.
If you ever have more, please don't hesitate to ask because there are plenty of members on these forums willing to assist you.
I am lucky enough to live where it is legal. I have tried to figure this out also. A/C D/C worked great but I like more of a high feeling. You can tell when you have had enough. All strains are different. All react with your body in a different way. We are all different, each of us have unique body characteristics that is affected by cannabis. I keep trying different strains and will continue till I die.

There are so many! Buy just a gram and do a test.

Any marijuana is better than no marijuana.
Different people respond to different strains. What the CBD does is counteract the trippy TCH high. One chemical does not stand alone. there are MANY healthful compounds in MJ, and each strain has it's own ratio of compounds.

Another factors that affect the high you get are how well it is raised and when in the flowering process it is harvested, in edibles, lethicin and sugar seem to increase the sensation of highs, whereas taking cannabudder capsules give you almost no high because the liver metabolizes most of the THC and CBN in the digestive tract. But you still get the health benefits of all the compounds in the plant, even the leaves.

Your mucous membranes seem to be the best areas of absorption of the compounds, because the strong acids in the digestive system break them down more quickly, before they gt into the bloodstream and into your brain. This is why smoking, dabbing and oral liquids placed under the tongue get TCH and CBN into the bloodstream quicker.

Stick with what works for you, but be aware that with daily ingestion/smoking one strain, you'll develop a higher tolerance and will need to switch to something else for a while. Indicas tend to give you the relaxed, calming, body highs. Sativas give you the uplifting, active, sometimes trippy highs.

Good luck finding what works for you!
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