The plant looks very crowded. Was it "fimmed"? You might want to thin it out some extra branches.
As to the drying leaves, have you checked that the soil is uniformly moist? It may be dry under the surface, and need to be thoroughly watered. You may water every day, but still have dry spots underneath. Poke around with your finger, and see. Water until water runs out the drain holes, and let drain. (You do have drain holes, right?) If you do that, you should not need to water daily.
Nitrogen deficiency would show up as yellowing leaves, so I don't think that's the problem. If you are indeed fertilizing daily, it should be VERY LIGHT fertilizing, with a flush of water only every third or fourth watering. Do not overfertilize!
It could also need more light. Plant is stretching.
Wish you good luck!