Is it normal for plants to stop growing vertically 17 days into flower?


New Member
hiya over the last week my plants been growing between 1-2 inches per night for the sativas and .5 inch a night for the indica like clockwork .

tonight was different there is no vertical growth at all but it does seem like more bud sites are established and the existing ones got a bit large if im not mistaken. is this normal ?

unknown strain but they did germinate to a 1/4 inch long tail in under 18 hours .

Thanks very much in advance for any replys :cheer::thumb:








Usually about day 21-24 of flower you will see them stop stretching. Once they stretch they will slow down a lot vertically, they will still grow vertically but slowly until harvest. The plant will now concentrate it's energy into flowering, so everything is normal man. :peace:
The plants vertical growth should slow down about 2-3 weeks into bloom. It will still both stretch and put new growth (in the form of buds) on top so it's not the last time she'll grow, she just is going to stop putting on height as fast.
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