Is HHC-P Fully Synthetic?


420 Member
Hey everyone, I was hoping to get some clarity on a topic I've been researching lately. Has anyone heard about HHC-P? I've been trying to figure out whether it's a naturally occurring cannabinoid in cannabis or if it's a synthetic compound. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find consistent information online. Some sources claim it's completely synthetic, while others suggest it's present in cannabis.

I'm curious if anyone has any insights on this topic or can point me in the direction of reliable resources to learn more about it. Your input would be greatly appreciated!
What I could find is this: "HHC-P is made by taking HHC (hexahydrocannabinol), a naturally occurring cannabinoid in hemp, and enhancing the structure of its carbon side chain, which changes the way in which it interacts with CB1 receptors in the brain"

And: "HHCP is the hydrogenated form of HHC. To be more specific, HHCP is made by adding two more carbons to its alkyl chain at the tail of the chemical structure. It is believed that the increased length of the alkyl chain, similar to that of THC-P, allows HHCP to have increased bonding to cannabinoid receptors such as CB1 in the brain.

So it's a combination, the HCC is naturally occuring, but then it is modified, so I would say that it is synthetic.
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