InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

until the clouds roll in this afternoon in for 3 days of rain...thanks Carcass!).
...with a chilly 40+ mph wind pushing the clouds along... :straightface:

If I ever bitch about the hot weather again, someone needs to just slap me...
LOL that's what happens when you work at a distillery in a dry county. Great perk!

Supposedly you get a bottle each paycheck too.

I don't remember much about the tour (it was in 1988) other than it was a really impressive operation! It was the only distillery I toured that trip, but I also did Goodyear Tires, Amana Refrigerators, Nocona Boots, Cape Cod Potato Chips, Tabasco, and probably a few more I can't recall at the moment.

Ooh! I'd like to Nocona boots. My favorite pair, of the 5 I have, are Nocona Teju Lizards.
I toured that trip, but I also did Goodyear Tires, Amana Refrigerators, Nocona Boots, Cape Cod Potato Chips, Tabasco, and probably a few more I can't recall at the moment.
:oops: That sounds job related but also extremely interesting. How many states did that cover?
...with a chilly 40+ mph wind pushing the clouds along...
If I ever bitch about the hot weather again, someone needs to just slap me...
LOL will do! We got the winds last night and they ripped the tarps right off the boxes of cabinets in the courtyard. Luckily it didn't rain so they were fine this morning.
Supposedly you get a bottle each paycheck too.
Nice, if you actually like JD. You can huff the vapors regardless of how it tastes. :)
Ooh! I'd like to Nocona boots. My favorite pair, of the 5 I have, are Nocona Teju Lizards.
Never had any but I craved a pair of red python...back in my rock and roll days of course. :tommy:
That sounds job related but also extremely interesting. How many states did that cover?
Actually not job related! I took 6 months off and lived in a minivan with my GF at the time. We covered the contiguous 48 states in those six months (starting in NY, ending in CA), and over 20,000 miles as I recall. Funny thing is I just pulled out the Coleman white gas stove I used on that trip, since we've been without a kitchen for 2 weeks now. Still works after 35 years so I should probably do a testimonial for them!
Funny thing is I just pulled out the Coleman white gas stove I used on that trip, since we've been without a kitchen for 2 weeks now. Still works after 35 years so I should probably do a testimonial for them!
How has it been going with the kitchen renovations? I hope it isn't too noisy, dusty and so on. How long until it is done?
took 6 months off and lived in a minivan with my GF at the time. We covered the contiguous 48 states in those six months (starting in NY, ending in CA), and over 20,000 miles
That was always my dream while still in school. I had to get a job to complete my tour of the US. I did make the 48 contiguous and DC. and a few Canadian provinces but it took me about 10 years. :laugh:

I just pulled out the Coleman white gas stove I used on that trip. Still works after 35 years so I should probably do a testimonial for them!
How sweet is that. It most likely will still be working after the newer ones have given up if history continues to repeat.
And to keep all those memories I would throw around that blue frisbee and wear my leather hat while turning those horrogs on the Coleman. :)
Actually not job related! I took 6 months off and lived in a minivan with my GF at the time.
Let's hear more about her!
We covered the contiguous 48 states in those six months (starting in NY, ending in CA), and over 20,000 miles as I recall.
That's a lot of driving. What did you do in each state? Please list your response in alphabetical order by state name.
Funny thing is I just pulled out the Coleman white gas stove I used on that trip, since we've been without a kitchen for 2 weeks now. Still works after 35 years so I should probably do a testimonial for them!
I'll bet that kitchen is going to be sweet!
How has it been going with the kitchen renovations? I hope it isn't too noisy, dusty and so on. How long until it is done?
This morning was when they started putting it back together. They painted yesterday and cabinets are going in today. Then we wait for the counter-top to get measured, cut, and installed along with the sink; then finish plumbing, floors, appliances, and putting all of our stuff back. The noise hasn't been too bad but the dust is crazy, even with a plastic wall taped up! And of course, I'm still trying to find where everything is in the boxes. :rolleyes:

Thanks for asking Carmen. :)
That was always my dream while still in school. I had to get a job to complete my tour of the US. I did make the 48 contiguous and DC. and a few Canadian provinces but it took me about 10 years.
I was moving to Los Angeles and giving up my photography business in NY so that was the perfect time to do it. Only state I'm missing is Alaska. :moose:
How sweet is that. It most likely will still be working after the newer ones have given up if history continues to repeat.
And to keep all those memories I would throw around that blue frisbee and wear my leather hat while turning those horrogs on the Coleman.
LOL no horrogs yet, but I did make spaghetti bolognese (with ground turkey) the other night!
Let's hear more about her!
We went out for nearly 7 years, and within 3 months of arriving in Los Angeles she decided she wanted to move back south. Nuff said!
That's a lot of driving. What did you do in each state? Please list your response in alphabetical order by state name.
You'll have to wait for my book to get published. Well first I have to write it, but I still have my journals. So first I have to type up my journals, which is a lot easier now that I can have my phone transcribe it all!
I'll bet that kitchen is going to be sweet!
Thanks GDB, I hope so!
Wednesday greetings and the briefest of updates, and not even plant-related (though they're plugging away outside today until the clouds roll in this afternoon in for 3 days of rain...thanks Carcass!).

I got some really sweet 420magazine swag today for my MOTY win:

I'll feature the rest of the prizes as they arrive to show off the cool stuff our sponsors have for sale, so stay tuned for that!

And speaking of contests, don't forget they're run every month, so go check them all out and vote for what strikes your fancy.

Quotes galore, because my subs are the best:

LOL thanks sb! Isn't there a magnifying glass if you click on an image?

It's a quick read so thanks for catching up. ;)

I'm glad you got it all sorted with WSE and they really have some excellent genetics there. Can't think of a bad plant grown here from their beans.

And where are my manners... :welcome: to my perpetual journal! Stop by whenever you have a chance and see what's going on. 👀

You're on your way sb! Just gotta find the right doctor:

"The measure, which will have two more Senate panel stops before potentially heading to the floor, would allow patients with qualifying conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and multiple sclerosis to possess and purchase cannabis from licensed dispensaries."

That JD was a great tour even if they couldn't hand out samples!

Thanks Mr Krip! I only used my temperature-gauge distiller outside in the courtyard. You never see old-timey pics of folks with stills indoors!

Oof, thanks Abbott!


Time to elect someone under the age of 60!

Nick & Co...pushing safety across the globe. Thanks!

True, but someway to recapture is definitely an improvement on any open air evaporation

Like farside said, once the area reaches critical mass they all start to fall in line. They will realize they're losing tax revenue to a someplace right over the border. Money talk even with the old crowd. :)

California too, with better weather and the occasional earthquake. :thumb:

They're always going to tax cannabis to justify the legalization, but as we discovered out here, if you tax it too high you don't get anywhere near the projected sales.
I’ll take Chicago weather in the the Spring n Summer over L.A.s anytime but to each his own. Also there’s no prediction of Chicago falling into the Ocean. Lmao 😂 CL🍀
We went out for nearly 7 years, and within 3 months of arriving in Los Angeles she decided she wanted to move back south. Nuff said!
I'll bet she got sick of you asking her to help schlepp plants in/out of the Shed.
I use a still to make RSO/CCO. It's much safer than venting alcohol fumes in the open. The one I purchased is called the "Still Spirits Turbo Air Still". I paid $155 USD for it in 2019 and see it's currently selling for $189 USD. I'm sure anything similar will work fine. It does pay for itself, over time, since it allows you to re-capture about 80%-90% of the ethanol (which is expensive!) so it can be re-used later. Let me know if you have any specific questions. :goodluck:

EDIT: The reason you only re-capture about 80%-90% is that you don't want to have to scrape RSO out of the still, so it's best to stop the distillation before it runs dry and finish in a pan over a hot plate or some other safe method (NO exposed heating element). By that time, most of the alcohol has already been evaporated, so the risk is very minimal.
Thanks so much for all the great info. I'll be harvesting within the next few weeks so the RSO marathon will begin. :Namaste:
I suggest getting involved in your local NORML chapter. Ours is having a grow n tell tomorrow night and I'll be hyping up the 420 forum :420:
I don't remember much about the tour (it was in 1988) other than it was a really impressive operation! It was the only distillery I toured that trip, but I also did Goodyear Tires, Amana Refrigerators, Nocona Boots, Cape Cod Potato Chips, Tabasco, and probably a few more I can't recall at the moment.
You toured Tabasco? I thought one had to be a Holy man or an alligator to get in there! Sweet Swag!
Still, a great plant! :cheesygrinsmiley:

LOL that's what happens when you work at a distillery in a dry county. Great perk!

I don't remember much about the tour (it was in 1988) other than it was a really impressive operation! It was the only distillery I toured that trip, but I also did Goodyear Tires, Amana Refrigerators, Nocona Boots, Cape Cod Potato Chips, Tabasco, and probably a few more I can't recall at the moment.
I’d say someone enjoys a good Company tour. lol CL🍀
LOL will do! We got the winds last night and they ripped the tarps right off the boxes of cabinets in the courtyard. Luckily it didn't rain so they were fine this morning.

Nice, if you actually like JD. You can huff the vapors regardless of how it tastes. :)

Never had any but I craved a pair of red python...back in my rock and roll days of course. :tommy:

Actually not job related! I took 6 months off and lived in a minivan with my GF at the time. We covered the contiguous 48 states in those six months (starting in NY, ending in CA), and over 20,000 miles as I recall. Funny thing is I just pulled out the Coleman white gas stove I used on that trip, since we've been without a kitchen for 2 weeks now. Still works after 35 years so I should probably do a testimonial for them!
I think you just did! CL🍀
Thursday picture-day update!

Chilly and raining today, so indoor pics of almost all of what's growing at my house, starting with the desk:

This is why I double (or triple) up in the cups! The Candida cuttings front left went into the bin after the pic. No roots and fading fast, and now I'll have a bit more room when I need to split clones.

So let's move into the tent for the winter grow, now on flip day 39. Here's the SaugaView®:

And head on (apply directly to the forehead):

Some solo pics of the Amnesia Lemon Kush:

It has one of those weird double-wide buds you sometimes see on here:

And shifting our attention slightly to the right, here is the Le Creme CBG:

A lot of the bud on this plant is growing below the tops for some reason:

Looks like it might need a citric acid spray, but I'm going to cut the strength down to find the minimum effective dose. Also has some aphids hiding below so that needs addressing as well...once the weather warms up a bit!

I hope everyone is having a great week and things are looking brighter for you. ☀️

I'll bet she got sick of you asking her to help schlepp plants in/out of the Shed.
Sadly for her she never made it into my schlepping era, and luckily for me I have a willing partner in schlep. :love:
You toured Tabasco? I thought one had to be a Holy man or an alligator to get in there! Sweet Swag!
That was one of the strangest tours ever. They had just shut down the production line for the day and the workers were filing out, and the only two people on the tour were me and my GF. So a dead quiet factory except for the hum of the motors that stir the tanks.

Still, our tour guide conducted the tour as of there were 40 of us in a 106dB working factory, shouting her spiel and looking about two feet above our heads to the non-existent crowd behind us. We left with two tiny bottles of the sauce, and I probably have one still. :rolleyes:

To this day if someone mentions Tabasco in my house I will stand and shout:
"Tabasco is made from three ingredients...peppers, vinegar, and salt!!!!"

I learned it well.
I’d say someone enjoys a good Company tour. lol CL
Yes indeed! We also went to a place where they made rutabaga wine. We did not sample that.
I think you just did! CL🍀
I guess I did! I'll wait to hear from them about a spokesman position. 🎙️
Thursday picture-day update!

Chilly and raining today, so indoor pics of almost all of what's growing at my house, starting with the desk:

This is why I double (or triple) up in the cups! The Candida cuttings front left went into the bin after the pic. No roots and fading fast, and now I'll have a bit more room when I need to split clones.

So let's move into the tent for the winter grow, now on flip day 39. Here's the SaugaView®:

And head on (apply directly to the forehead):

Some solo pics of the Amnesia Lemon Kush:

It has one of those weird double-wide buds you sometimes see on here:

And shifting our attention slightly to the right, here is the Le Creme CBG:

A lot of the bud on this plant is growing below the tops for some reason:

Looks like it might need a citric acid spray, but I'm going to cut the strength down to find the minimum effective dose. Also has some aphids hiding below so that needs addressing as well...once the weather warms up a bit!

I hope everyone is having a great week and things are looking brighter for you. ☀️


Sadly for her she never made it into my schlepping era, and luckily for me I have a willing partner in schlep. :love:

That was one of the strangest tours ever. They had just shut down the production line for the day and the workers were filing out, and the only two people on the tour were me and my GF. So a dead quiet factory except for the hum of the motors that stir the tanks.

Still, our tour guide conducted the tour as of there were 40 of us in a 106dB working factory, shouting her spiel and looking about two feet above our heads to the non-existent crowd behind us. We left with two tiny bottles of the sauce, and I probably have one still. :rolleyes:

To this day if someone mentions Tabasco in my house I will stand and shout:
"Tabasco is made from three ingredients...peppers, vinegar, and salt!!!!"

I learned it well.

Yes indeed! We also went to a place where they made rutabaga wine. We did not sample that.

I guess I did! I'll wait to hear from them about a spokesman position. 🎙️
Never a dull moment in Shedville. And a shleping partner to boot? You Sir are truly living the dream 😴! lol CL🍀
The tent ladies are a great looking pair!
It's hard to believe that those LeCreme CBG buds won't get you (or anyone) high...
they look like real ass-kickers.. 😬
How are you going to extract the CBGa when the time comes?
If they were smoked, the CBGa would turn to plain CBG, and you don't want that, correct?
Never a dull moment in Shedville. And a shleping partner to boot? You Sir are truly living the dream ! lol CL
I'd appreciated a bit of dull these days, but I like to think I'm a pretty lucky guy!
The tent ladies are a great looking pair!
It's hard to believe that those LeCreme CBG buds won't get you (or anyone) high...
they look like real ass-kickers.. 😬
How are you going to extract the CBGa when the time comes?
If they were smoked, the CBGa would turn to plain CBG, and you don't want that, correct?
Thanks Carcass! The LeC smells skunky like any good THC flower would, but it will not get anyone high. :passitleft:

I'm planning on making both CGBa and CBG oil from the flowers extracting the usual way in the Magical Butter machine and I'll see if I can tell any difference when I take it. For Covid, the non-human research was done on CBGa (and CBDa), so I'd save some for that, but there are other benefits don't seem to be listed as CBGa specifically:
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