InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Honey will cause either fungus or bacterial issues.
correct me if im wrong but i thought that honey is known to stay fresh due to antifungal and antibacterial effects, infact honey stays edible for many decades when stored correct, however it will burn the crap out of your plants if yer not carefull ...

another question when ye cut the clones in 45° angle as i was told at school, do you do it just under or even partly through an internode? cuz if im not mistaken thats where the highest concentration of stemcells are situated and that should help in the speed at which they push new roots
I've had nearly a 99% sucess rate by shaving the tip then dipping them in rooting hormone. Honey will cause either fungus or bacterial issues. Feeding honey to a baby is a no no. Clones are no different.
:welcome: to my thread Mathew. I'm all about rooting hormones now. I 100% recommend Dip'n Grow! But lots of folks recommended honey in 2017, not sure if they still do :). I did not have any luck with it.
correct me if im wrong but i thought that honey is known to stay fresh due to antifungal and antibacterial effects, infact honey stays edible for many decades when stored correct, however it will burn the crap out of your plants if yer not carefull ...

another question when ye cut the clones in 45° angle as i was told at school, do you do it just under or even partly through an internode? cuz if im not mistaken thats where the highest concentration of stemcells are situated and that should help in the speed at which they push new roots
I cut at a 45° 1/4" below a node. I've had great success that way.
some bagseed u have there ...dayum ... and no hermies or nanners ???

I can’t actually confirm there bag seed or not but that’s what I’m told, there from a hydro shop owner locally and I was given them free after spending a crap load of money.

I do have some (exciting to me) strains on order though
I can’t actually confirm there bag seed or not but that’s what I’m told, there from a hydro shop owner locally and I was given them free after spending a crap load of money.

I do have some (exciting to me) strains on order though
Some good ones there!
Nice looking choice PD! A few of us here are familiar with the CD-1
I just dropped another Candida too! It has become a staple in our house now. I was holding off on dropping it because i thought Seedsman had sent a Pink Kush CBD auto with the package for that sponsor grow. When the PK hadn't showed up, I dropped that Candida asap

While congrats on the long road to success and beautiful plants , I’d say you’ve made it for sure. I’d be proud to share those pictures lol

I agree, although I’m new, to this community “forum” and don’t have a journal yet, I’ve been welcomed and accepted into the journals I’ve taken part in, just reading through them you really don’t see this kind of like you say selfless help given to random strangers out in the public modern society today.... this place has a lot of kind hearted people, who never seem to bash or say anything negative to other members in rude ways, I’m sure there’s constructive criticism and disagreements, but I’ve yet to seen any rudeness or outlandish comments in my time here.
Glad to have found a new place to hang out. I’ll spam a pic here as I don’t have a journal yet, this is only plant I have in flower atm and it’s a bag seed from a northern lights cross
Thanks for the kind words brother and welcome! Yeah most the time I’ve seen toxicity try to play out, folks around here kindly let them know that we don’t do that here. This has become a second home for me. I sometimes know more about people here than I do most people in my life. I feel comfortable to share stuff about my life, like my battle with depression for example, because there is good medicine that can help and there are others that have walked a similar path that can help.
The people are number one to me, the plants are just icing on the cake! Cheers!
Indeed, happy days ahead MrSauga :headbanger:
I’m sure the toxic people don’t end up lingering around to long.
They don’t cause there isn’t enough negativity to keep them fed so they move on to greener pastures :ciao:
I just dropped another Candida too! It has become a staple in our house now. I was holding off on dropping it because i thought Seedsman had sent a Pink Kush CBD auto with the package for that sponsor grow. When the PK hadn't showed up, I dropped that Candida asap

Ahh all you guys with your Candidas!! I just dropped Green Doctor from the same breeder and it’ll be my first CBD strain :Rasta:

Hey Shed, I meant to tell you that I enjoyed your update on BC 2.2 immensely. She’s looking fabulous!! I’ve noticed that BC2 is much more ‘leafy ‘ than her sister. Keep that in mind with your humidity and all over night. She might enjoy more pruning than usual.
I did a post-stretch cleaning up of her legs underneath, they all got that treatment, and haven’t had to take much from her since.
She drops a leaf here or there but she isn’t cannabalizing herself like some of the other plants. Blueberry can’t stop eating herself man :rofl: Hope that means she’s tasty lol.
I just dropped another Candida too!
If we grow enough of these we'll eventually get the hang of them :).
Hey Shed, I meant to tell you that I enjoyed your update on BC 2.2 immensely. She might enjoy more pruning than usual.
I'll definitely have to keep tucking or taking those big fans that completely cover all the side growth. As it gets bigger I might be able to tuck more, but at this point there's no room. So I've had to pluck a few.


Monday update! Sunny again today but cloudy tomorrow with rains coming through tomorrow night into Wednesday. Oh wait, that's the weather report. Here are the plants...

Since the Candidas are about to get flipped it was time for a major clean-out. There was way too much going on down under, so while they look pretty much the same from the top, from the side it was a strip and flip operation. I'll give them a few days to settle down and then go 12/12 maybe Wednesday. Here are the before/after pics:

Candida CDWT (I think):

Candida CDNT (I think):

Here's what came off the first one, and the second one was about the same but with fewer cuttings saved in water:

All the leaves are in the freezer.

Oh, this is why I grow outside:

That's 138,300 lux, or 2,558.55 PPFD. :cool: And it's only March!

As long as we're taking a tour of the garden, let's talk about the big three in flower, now flip day 45. I have to say I'm pretty disheartened by the production on these plants, and since it's the same for all, I have to put it down to the cold temperatures they have gotten most of the time during lights out. Even in the tent in the house it was in the low 60s at night, and in the shed it's been the upper 50s. I was expecting a lot more from these given their size, but maybe if the weather warms up they can recover a bit at the end.

Here is the Oval of Brightness® this morning before I moved them outside:

Here is a shot of the frost on the Peyote Critical. Frosty if not bulky!

And here are examples of the weak bud development on all of them.


AK (I chopped last May's version at flip day 65...10 days from now :eek:):

SG (smaller buds than the one with fusarium :eek:):

Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive and ride this out. Please remind me in October to plan next winter with the lessons from this winter: only autos will be flowered December through March. :thanks:

That was my weekend, one in which I barely left the premises, but did get a nap both days! I hope you had a good one, and I'll find out when I catch up on y'all. :surf:
Looking amazing shed man your green thumb skills have skywarded over the past year . You and Lowded most improved to me .
Looking amazing shed man your green thumb skills have skywarded over the past year . You and Lowded most improved to me .
Very kind of you Joe! I think Lowded has me well-beat when it comes to being dialed in. Every set of plants for me is a new adventure.
Plants are looking beautiful Shed...
Sure wish I had a way to get some of those cuttings from your Candidas.
I'd love to see one of my cuttings fill that scrog of yours MoN! And I probably took 30 off between the two plants.
Amazing mr.Shed...
Those plants are price winners! So natural and beautiful. :hippy:
I'm sooo longing for our sun to come back here too. But hopes rise every day now. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Crazy! Do plants just run longer if the weather isn't ideal, or do they finish on time but with smaller buds? I guess I'll know soon :).

I'm sure Sweden will be seeing warmer weather eventually, just later than L.A. ;).
About time yall are rollin' in the PPFD.
I bet with a little love those photos beef up fine. And light. And water.
I hope nobody is right! And water is definitely part of it! I mentioned a few days ago that I was going to start watering the Peyote Critical every other day. Well I watered it Saturday morning, and by 5pm Sunday night it was feeling too light to put away for the night without another gallon. I think it's time to go up to 1.5 gallons/per watering.
Yeah but your doing it with so many obstacles. High rh, sheds in the outside weather. Waiting for mother nature to bring out the big orange guy. I don't think I could grow with all you get thrown at ya. Nice job keeping these going and looking so nice. Those big girls will bulk up just might need a week more but they'll get there. Well done and take a bow.
the big orange guy
is actually a white main sequence star ... emphasis on white ... its not yellow its not orange its white :ganjamon:
sorry i am an astronomy geek, that mourns every time someone says the sun is yellow, if it where then snow would be yellow as well ... well excluding manmade yellow snow hehe
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