Interrogation Techniques On Cannabis

Hey all, good Sunday funday morning.... I'm up with my espresso and a bowl sitting here reading reading reading as usual lol. So Ive been reading into pre-harvest stress techniques that claim to boost trichome and resin production at the end of flowering such as :
*Droughting to finish last 7-10 days.

*Stem splitting last 1-2 weeks of flower.

*Reduced light and temperature.

*Ice water treatment before 2 days before dark period.

*48-72 hours of darkness before chop.

All of these have varying testimonials, as some say it's snake oil and that it doesn't work at all if anything harms the plant and slows growth/production, which would mean possible smaller yield, less flavor full buds, etc...(<= I can see this point). And then others swear by it saying the damage done to the plant or stressors inflicted are beneficial in forcing the plant to ramp up thrichome/resin production in effort to "protect itself", which both contain THC and flavonoids..which we all strive to get the maximum in our budz right?...(<= so again I also see this point)..Both parties have people who have been growing for years and are heavily who's right? Have they tried all techniques together....are they done singly? there a order in which to execute the techniques? All I know is that there is limited information on all these with the exceptions of droughting and the temp/light schedule drop... I'm close with one of my girls like two weeks out and I'm leaning heavy on trying at least one of these on her.... I'm not worried about the damage that could be done as she's almost finished anyways...

FYI- I'm asking if anyone knows anything or had done similar, not if it's a good idea or thanks in advanced.:Namaste:
48 - 72 hrs darkness and reduce light and temperature I will do naturally from what I've read.
That's a common one here that I've read in many journals visually seems to have a good that's one I was going to apply at the end... But I'm trying to figure out if any of the more extreme measures listed above would help boost that production about a week ahead of chop.
Me growing has been a giant experiment until I got things dialed adding another element is something I feel I must do to grow as a grower along side my plants...max everything.
I use these in some form on my ladies at harvest time

reduce light = dimmer if possible, if not reduced hours.

I don't use ice water, but I do use gallons of very cold water from the refrigerator.

48 - 72 hours of darkness is a little long for me; I normally do 36 to 48.

Good question.
Awesome so I have been running my lights weird from the start with my autos.. they have been on full blast light (%100 with my dimmable and both red/blue switches on my blurple) for 18 hours a day and then dimmed down to %25 and only red at "night" for 6 hours...I know weird but the plants seem to like it....

Yea that's a good idea cold water from fridge....up til now they have only received room temperature I may switch to the colder from fridge starting thanks for that.
Awesome so I have been running my lights weird from the start with my autos.. they have been on full blast light (%100 with my dimmable and both red/blue switches on my blurple) for 18 hours a day and then dimmed down to %25 and only red at "night" for 6 hours...I know weird but the plants seem to like it....

Yea that's a good idea cold water from fridge....up til now they have only received room temperature I may switch to the colder from fridge starting thanks for that.
Wasn't gonna reveal my wacky light schedule until I saw results from plants lol but I'm close enough now to mention it
All of those things produce stress on the plants, but wouldn't the plant have evolved to have different responses to different forms of stress?
I don't see how increasing the production of cannabinoids would help the plant survive something like the stem splitting.
I'm not saying it doesn't work, just that I'd like to know the mechanism behind it, or why it might have evolved to do it.
All of those things produce stress on the plants, but wouldn't the plant have evolved to have different responses to different forms of stress?
I don't see how increasing the production of cannabinoids would help the plant survive something like the stem splitting.
I'm not saying it doesn't work, just that I'd like to know the mechanism behind it, or why it might have evolved to do it.
Hi Mel so from what I have researched trichomes are formed to protect against pest, temperature, wind damage and water retention ....and resin is produced to protect against uv light and pest.....all natural stressors, so yes they have evolved to endure THESE factors....but not like the ones mentioned above....and these plant react incredible to many other stress factors, like topping/super cropping produces more bud sites....Lst/hst produces more bud sites..... Stripping the plant through lollipopping of all it's lower stuff grants more energy to the upper canopy... All stressors lol so that's why this intrigues me so much... What else is capable of this plant?
I'm going to go with the low humidity, and lower temps in flower, and very mild random drought (48 hours between watering, which makes my girl go fully limp but she shines like a diamond the next day) , with no nutrients for the last week-ish to use up whatever is left in the pipeline and make her eat those fan leaves. There is absolutely no experience behind this method, just applying the best of what I've read and seen, plus a dash of bro-sci 101, and a sprinkle of unbridled overzealous ignorance. YMMV. PA6T8WFD....
I'm going to go with the low humidity, and lower temps in flower, and very mild random drought (48 hours between watering, which makes my girl go fully limp but she shines like a diamond the next day) , with no nutrients for the last week-ish to use up whatever is left in the pipeline and make her eat those fan leaves. There is absolutely no experience behind this method, just applying the best of what I've read and seen, plus a dash of bro-sci 101, and a sprinkle of unbridled overzealous ignorance. YMMV. PA6T8WFD....
I'm at a constant low humidity %20-%40 ... And I always wait 48-72 hours before watering sign keeps me in that track... So I guess I've been stressing these ladies out from the start :laugh: ... And hey it's experience your experience that's what works for you...tried and true.

What's bro-sci 101?
You forgot @Emilya , I know she has mentioned using droughting techniques.
Thank you but no thank you....she has expressed her dislike for autos ...and that's what I grow. But for the droughting that's why I tagged krissi.
Me growing has been a giant experiment until I got things dialed adding another element is something I feel I must do to grow as a grower along side my plants...max everything.
I think dialing in the grow room is half the fight to becoming a novice grower. I've focused so much on getting the environment right now I can just worry about the plants and the shitty deficiencies their showing. Coco is a delight though! I also will perform the suggested interrogation techniques employed in the thread to see if I can envelop the plant into thinking its winter so it protects itself with more sticky icky.
I think dialing in the grow room is half the fight to becoming a novice grower. I've focused so much on getting the environment right now I can just worry about the plants and the shitty deficiencies their showing. Coco is a delight though! I also will perform the suggested interrogation techniques employed in the thread to see if I can envelop the plant into thinking its winter so it protects itself with more sticky icky.
Yea for sure first attempt was painful lol I f'd up everywhere.... It's amazing how fast you can learn to grow. But I've heard good things about coco....I'm just trying to fully understand and grasp one medium before I try another.

And nice thanks for taking the risk to try one of them as well.... I have three plants so in theory I could do a trial with each.

1. Cold water along with less light, cooler temps, and then 48 hours dark
2.stem split with ice water, cooler temps, less light, and 48 hours dark.
3. Stem split no lowered temp or light then into 48 hours dark.

I think would make for a good mini experiment take photos a week before I plan harvest and then apply techniques....then take photos to see how they developed under the stress .
I am aware that I can't do a full experiment as they are all different and genetics could play part . But I can monitor production of trichome before stress added and then while being stressed. I have a digi-scope so I'll be able to get real close and watch.
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