Interior Reflective Paint: >90% Reflectivity


Well-Known Member
Since Growilla Grow Room Paint was discontinued, there seems to be a void in the market. PolarKote® Reflective Coating at 95% Reflectivity looked promising, but at $200/gallon it was tough to fit in my budget.

I have a weird industrial space that is 2100ft2 and subdivided into six small, equal rooms plus a larger utility room with endless corners, beams and 45 degree angles. In one way, it is just perfect for a commercial grow-op. However, going in there with a couple miles of Panda and a Staple Gun would invariably end in suicide. Suicide by Staple Gun. My mom would never work through it. Does this remind anyone else of a Sopranos episode?

Back to paint. Any ideas? My first choice would be one of our sponsors. Lacking that, I'll explore anything.
Sorry, I don't have a diagram or CAD of the space, but take my word for it that covering the place with Panda, Orca or Mylar would by a total bitch. The reason I wanted to prime then paint with a TiO2 impregnated flat white like a DuPont Ti-Pure R-902+ (which I think is semi-gloss, I forget) is that the whole joint would be easier to scrub down regularly not to mention intrinsically anti-fungal and antibacterial.

I'm a decade-plus out of the painting world. Are Titanium Dioxide flats still the way to go? My Internet research seems to indicate so. Any NKOTB?
I wouldn't. In an ideal universe, my universe, a clean universe, I'd have surfaces with anti-fungal/bacterial titanium oxide flat white paint over primer. This I can wash down every couple of days (OK, twice a week) with a bucket of warm water, a spritz of soap and a couple cap-fulls of bleach.

I'm in search of flat white cover paint impregnated with titanium dioxide. I'm only familiar with DuPont but am open minded to any other brand as I can't find the DuPont (pigment or paint).

1st choice: DuPont Ti-Pure® R-931 Titanium Dioxide or in aqueous slurry form (R-941) - flat.

2nd choice: DuPont Ti-Pure® R-902+ Titanium Dioxide supplied as a fine, dry powder - semi-gloss.

Hope that clarifies things a bit. Thanks for reading!
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