Indor and greenhouse buds


Well-Known Member
I was wondering why the indor and outdor buda have a different shape. For exemple mostly greenhouse buds are more soft (becouse of the heat at night) but they also are more leafy and loka like thwy have big sticks too. But the indor ones are looking like some kind of a candy you wanna eat especially if they are purple. So if we know thw sun light its way more powerfull and have big range of a spectrum they any cmh,hps,lep or led light why still the indors buds looking that good comper with the greenhouse one.its because of the uv lights in the sun have negativw effect or what? Thank you
I have not observed what you are observing. Greenhouse buds grown under actual sunlight, IMHO, don't look much different from tent grows under lights. What you may be observing is different strains which do produce different looking buds. I don't heat my greenhouse (or my tent) at night. Plants evolved under natural sunlight, they simply don't use some wavelengths, and while some wavelengths are not good for plants,they have evolved mechanisms for dealing with them. Some UV light is necessary for plant growth. Much of the UV light from the sun never reaches plants, it is easily blocked by fog/clouds, and diminishes as the angle of the sun gets lower.
I have not observed what you are observing. Greenhouse buds grown under actual sunlight, IMHO, don't look much different from tent grows under lights. What you may be observing is different strains which do produce different looking buds. I don't heat my greenhouse (or my tent) at night. Plants evolved under natural sunlight, they simply don't use some wavelengths, and while some wavelengths are not good for plants,they have evolved mechanisms for dealing with them. Some UV light is necessary for plant growth. Much of the UV light from the sun never reaches plants, it is easily blocked by fog/clouds, and diminishes as the angle of the sun gets lower.
I do grow gelato 41 under gavita de and same gelato 41 in a green house at the same property with same food. They was looking totally different I dont heat my greenhouses too. But they for was way different from each ither. For exemple mu indor gelato was small hard heavy buds compere with my greenhouse buds wich was way bigger hard but in a different shape like lonnger leafs after the trim. Idk greenhouse was aways more flufy and hairy
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