
always 420

New Member
indo-boarding is a surf/balance trainer... if you've ever rode one you know they are rediculously fun and entertaining...and useful..

anyway, we got adventerous and started taking bong rips while is one shitty picture off my phone, we're gonna take some more later, possibly hangin ten or somethin

hahahahaha my friend has an indo-board at his house and one time we all got real baked and my other friend just fell off the board onto a table and knocked hella shit off
thats my indo board that always 420 is riding right there. I wish we had a pic of one of the first time he tried riding it in my garage and ate shit and the board flew all the way across the room. that shit was funny.
ive been lookin for a good balance board for snowboard training. i saw the ones that have tracks on the bottom that fit into the wheel thing. do you think the indo is better?
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