Sometimes, In The Greenhouse

This year I’m limited to 1 plant for outside. I ordered a 6’X6’ greenhouse to both keep out of the rain, something we see a lot of and for stealth. Paragliders use the field next door to land.

On 4.20 I started a Barneys Farm, Dos Si Dos 33 direct to soil, indoors in a tent with a few autos that were finishing up. Since sprouting, there has been some variegation of the leaves. I think it looks/looked cool. It might be growing out. It’s hard to say as I took the larger fans. I’m using a good quality bagged organic potting soil and amending it with pearlite, worm castings and glacial rock dust.

It’s been an unusually cold spring so she was just put outside on 5.28. Yesterday I up potted from 2.5 Gal to a 5 Gal pot. Today I mildly tied back the branches from the two uppermost nodes allowing the lowers time overtake. In July I’ll put into a final 15 Gal grow bag for the finish.

There is still some leaf variegation it’s just more subtle now. I attached a few pics of earlier growth for reference. The most recent are from today, 37 days since sprouting. She looks a bit droopy in the mornings. We had a low overnight of 5c.

Happy grows all.







The day before up potting a week ago, I prepped the soil and used a like pot as a form and watered. The next day, before transplanting I added a bit more mycorrhizae to the bottom of the new hole then added the plant watering to light runoff. It took awhile; the pot will finally need another watering tomorrow after 8 days. She hardened off well, I can see root points sticking out the extra holes added to the bottom of the 5 gal pot. Not bad for only transplanting a week ago.

I have only topped once & just started some moderate LST to open the plant up wider. Future training will be mostly by supercropping. I hope to grow a decent size plant.

The weather is still colder and wetter than usual for this time of year. We have more sun and warmer weather forecast for next week.

I will try not to over post and limit updates to once a week. At this stage, an outdoor grow can be pretty boring to watch.

Happy growing, thanks for checking in.



Thank you stinker.
I'm only an hour behind you in the uk, the sun is usually up around 5am (6am for u). The sun must take awhile to climb above those beautiful mountains where you are?
Hope you're plant gets plenty sunshine today. It's already 28° here.

I just assumed you were in the states. Enjoy your warm Sunday. Its been unusually cold here this spring. Probably colder there as well.

The sun hits my patio at 7:40. Its great to have a coffee and watch the suns rays creep down the hills on the other side of the valley and work their way over here.

Good morning, it’s a beautiful day today. There is not much to say about this grow as its gone smooth so far. The newer leaves are only showing a trace of variegation now, whereas earlier it was very noticeable. The growth seems slow to me. It’s hard to see real growth when viewing it on a daily basis. That’s a benefit to having a journal. Watering is at roughly every 3 days, next watering I will add some N and see if we can’t green up a bit. I will soon give a couple preventative neem sprays.

Thanks for checking in, happy grows.




Good morning, it’s a beautiful day today. There is not much to say about this grow as its gone smooth so far. The newer leaves are only showing a trace of variegation now, whereas earlier it was very noticeable. The growth seems slow to me. It’s hard to see real growth when viewing it on a daily basis. That’s a benefit to having a journal. Watering is at roughly every 3 days, next watering I will add some N and see if we can’t green up a bit. I will soon give a couple preventative neem sprays.

Thanks for checking in, happy grows.




Thats a beautiful plant. How does the green house let it get enough sunlight to it?? I’m interested in getting one but every one I look at has UV protection which is something you don’t want because it’s necessary for THC production.
Thats a beautiful plant. How does the green house let it get enough sunlight to it?? I’m interested in getting one but every one I look at has UV protection which is something you don’t want because it’s necessary for THC production.
All greenhouses say something to the effects of UV, for this brand it says "The covers are waterproof and UV-treated, providing diffused illumination that promotes more even plant growth." I think most are designed to allow the most beneficial light. I chose a brand that came up when I searched by brand and the word cannabis. Others were clearly using this brand.
Another week gone and it’s raining today. Not much has changed; pre-flowers are showing. When it’s not raining I try to keep the plant out in the direct sun and wind. It is nice having the greenhouse for these rainy days.

In July she will go into a big grow bag & I will start some supercropping. So far I have topped once and used minimal LST to open up the center a bit.

Indoors is getting crowded.



This morning I amended some bought organic soil with glacial rock flour/dust, worm castings & pearlite and prepped a large grow bag.. The 20 Gal bag is ready to go as soon as the mycorrhiza I ordered gets here on Tuesday. Now I need to find a small 4 wheel dolly or plant trolley that can handle the 20 gal bag. I like to keep the plant on the patio when it’s not raining.

I’m now thinking I will top the main branches after transplanting and then if needed I’ll supercrop. We are already at over 50% of the height of the greenhouse. The specs from Barney’s Farm say that outdoors she is short and indoors maxes at 90 cm. She is now 29” (73.5 cm) from the top of the pot. It looks to me like she will go over the greenhouse height with the stretch alone. If I thought she would stay short like they say, I would leave her alone now. Does anyone have experience with the Dos Si outside? Thanks.


Uppotting was just done this morning. We have had heavy rain and humidity so I wanted to be sure the pot was fully dry for transplanting. As it was, the root ball with soil held together and slid easily from the 5 gal pot. I used 40 grams of mycorrhiza in the bottom of the hole. The 6 main branches were tied down & back, LST. I’ll probably just keep adjusting the ties and top these same 6 as soon as she straightens out. If it looks like she will get too tall in stretch, I will supercrop a bit early next month.

Indoors is crowded, we are at 3 weeks tomorrow since 12/12 flip.




Hope the greenhouse isn’t anchored down, I’m thinking she might raise the roof!
That's what I'm trying to avoid 013. If needed, I can put the feet in buckets of gravel or up on cinder blocks. I would rather not. Today she has a better shape the tips have turned upward again..

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